seems like mostly gimmick to me
Weights are one of the biggest gimmicks, the vast majority of mouse enthusiasts (ie they own more than they have appendages to use them with) I've talked to on various mouse oriented forums prefer their mouse as light as possible. A heavier mouse
might prove useful for super high sensitivity control as it would be harder to accidentally nudge it (and thus throw your aim way off), however the flip side there is that it will come with an increased momentum, making it harder to stop...
Then there is the silly handrest - any mouse that is designed to keep your hand completely off the mouse pad is clearly meant for really low sensitivity play with a palm style grip (as you won't be able to use your the back of your palm or pink as an anchor point), thus the 3200 dpi is useless, and the fact that 800 is the lowest setting means this mouse is definitely not intended for lower sensitivity play - it just doesn't make any sense.
The most unique feature that doesn't seem like a complete waste is the cord rerouting system, but even that can't be that useful, most every mouse has had the cord coming out of the same place, to not setup your desk for this to not be a problem is the user's fault. Then of course there is the
Razer Mamba in the same price ball park that can be corded OR cordless whenever you want... (or the Sidewinder X8 for ~$75)
Then there's the Logitech G9 which can be found for
less than half the price which seems to have similar if not clearly superior specs (for example I can't even find where the M3 Platinum might have onboard memory to store settings and configurations, while the G9 most definitely has this)
Sorry, but $120 (or even $108 after 10% off) is something I would consider a clear waste of money when there are similar options for far less and superior options for less if not the same price. If I have sounded overly harsh on this mouse its mostly because of its price as I feel it is no where near worth that value.