RANT: scheduled downtime, error messages, and UI design decisions


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2001
This is a rant concerning site designs and user interfaces.

If you have a site that undergoes regular maintenance, i.e. you know certain functions won't be working between certain hours, why the hell would you decide to leave the user input screens up and running? Or at worst, no warning messages or indication otherwise? Now I know not every site designer or maintainer worries about UI too much, but is it really that hard to think some of these things through?

I'm trying to do something online with an account (major financial institution) and I'm happily punching in my info, hit submit, then wait the few seconds normal transactions take. You'd think everything would go through, right? WRONG!

"We're sorry, but the system is undergoing scheduled maintenance. Please try again later."

GAH! You wanted my info, I gave you my info! Don't ask for it unless you're going to use it! GAAAHHHH!!

Only... Monday... must think.... happy.. thoughts! :|