can i just get this out of my system real fast?
feel a little better.
i dont even feel like going into details. anyone that knew harmony remotes before the logitech buyout would get it.
the latest thing that pissed me off? i just wanted to add a command. one button for my stereo. thats it! so, i go to web page, login, select my remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote
yes. i am insane. because there is no way logitech could utterly destroy a brand this bad. last time i updated my 680 remote it updated the firmware and PERMANENTLY disabled the green start button. permanently. no way back. logitechs solution? buy a newer model. it was only an $80 remote at the time. no big deal.
this time i have the 300, and i cant even log into the god damn home page to download the shitty software to update this shitty remote. fuck you logitech, for everything you did to harmony remotes. it was a grand idea that took off with a flying start, and you destroyed it. PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT MACROS, YOU SHIT FUCKS.
feel a little better.
i dont even feel like going into details. anyone that knew harmony remotes before the logitech buyout would get it.
the latest thing that pissed me off? i just wanted to add a command. one button for my stereo. thats it! so, i go to web page, login, select my remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote, login again because it asked me to, click downloads, login again because it asked me to, select remote
yes. i am insane. because there is no way logitech could utterly destroy a brand this bad. last time i updated my 680 remote it updated the firmware and PERMANENTLY disabled the green start button. permanently. no way back. logitechs solution? buy a newer model. it was only an $80 remote at the time. no big deal.
this time i have the 300, and i cant even log into the god damn home page to download the shitty software to update this shitty remote. fuck you logitech, for everything you did to harmony remotes. it was a grand idea that took off with a flying start, and you destroyed it. PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT MACROS, YOU SHIT FUCKS.