Rant #2 I had chain letters!


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
At work today, not once, not twice, not even only 3 times.

But, FOUR times, people at work forwarded to me some crap about boycotting Exxon and Mobil. It's garbage, folks.

I wish our tech department would punish them all by suspending their accounts for a couple of days... if only it were that simple.

But, that's not what really aggravates me. I don't get spam at work. Ever. 5 years of using that email address, and I'm still not getting spam. I get 10 emails on a busy day. No one has my work's email address, except coworkers. I only use it for professional purposes. Very rarely do I send emails to anyone outside the school. Any time someone sends me an email for non-work related reasons, I request that they only use that account for work; and give them a gmail or yahoo account for personal emails (which I usually just delete.. they're all the same messages over and over.) Now, as I look at the "to:" lists with dozens upon dozens upon dozens of email addresses, including my own, and I realize that half these people don't know how to delete headers when they forward this crap, especially all those aol email addresses, I get to look forward to starting to receive spam. GRRRRR.