Pete888 - if you're running a Celeron, your system's only running at 66MHz FSB anyway. Using PC100 or PC133 is fine, but it'll all run at 66MHz.
Also, in the UK at least, going for a DDR motherboard (AMD 760 (or do I mean 761) based) over an SDR motherboard (VIA KT133A) only costs about £10 (comparing otherwise similar boards from the same manufacturer), sometimes less, that's less than $15. The performance difference is 5-10% on 1GHz Athlon systems (I think that's what Anandtech said), and I guess that $15 will be less than 5% of your new system price (even just mobo, CPU and one stick of RAM), so I think it *is* worth it, right now, in addition to the future-proofing aspect.