RAM Performance Software Search


Aug 9, 2000
I would appreciate feedback from users of any software that enhances RAM performance for WIN98 and/or WIN98SE. I'm having a helluva bad time with rebooting 3-4 times a day :| because apparently some programs aren't releasing the RAM and would like to know if any of the software out there actually does the trick. Please don't suggest WIN2000 or ME cuz it ain't gonna happen on my PCs for a while yet.

Abit BH6 & P3-700 o/c 933mhz (Step-Thermodynamics)
(2) x 128mb Crucial 133-CAS2 SDRAM
Voodoo5 AGP :cool:
9gb and 45gb IBM Deskstar Hard Drives
Floppy, Zip100, CD-40X and HP CDR/W Drives
RoadRunner Cable Modem :cool:
SCSI Astra600S Scanner
HP5L, HPIII and HP895Cse Printers
Huge ANTEC Case.