Quick help with a T61 question?


Senior member
Nov 2, 2005
Hey everyone,

I'm coming from a macbook pro with the x1600 gpu and wondered about another laptop.

I'm going to order a T61 tomorrow, and can't decide.

My choice is between a Penryn equipped T61 with Quadro 140 or the Quadro 570. I'm using the CPP thingy and my prices are basically $834 to $925. Am I going to see a huge difference with the two video cards???

I don't game too incredably much, but I do like Flight Sim X on med. settings to help my flying. (I'm a Professional Aviation degree student). Is it worth it?

I'd hate to waste the extra money and get RAM, but what do you guys think. My x1600 is nice on my Macbook pro, so how does this compare? Keep in mind I'm also going from a Core Duo (not C2D) 2.0GHz to now a 45nm 2.4GHz C2D. This should make up some difference right?

Let me know soon if possible!!
