This is all comming from seat of the pants experience, but here goes. The RT1 thermister measures the temp of the mainboard (it's the one near the BX chipset) and I would think that the temp its reporting is very accurate. The RT3 is to measure the CPU, and yes, since it does not actually touch the CPU it would not tend to be as accurate as a probe touching the CPU, but as to it's accuracy compared to other mainboards? Good question. I would think the core temp would be quite a bit hotter than what is reported as RT3 would have to be measuring ambient air temperature within the socket. And of course a flip chip CPU such as the CII has the core located opposite RT3, so how accurate could that really be? I Know that my current CPU operates at a higher temp than did the 366@578 (PPGA) I had before this one. That was with a stock intel fan which was sold with the 366@578, and before I got my Gorb, so I had time to use the intel fan on the two CPU's.
As to your question on fan RPM? Maybe a jumper to the RPM reporting post on the mainboard connector from the rpm sensor wire of the fan(?), not sure on that one.
You could download a manual from the abit site if you don't already own one.