Is it possible to install games on the Hard Disk with PS3 and XBox 360 ?
What are the advantages to install games on the Hard disk ? really better ?
Is it better PS3 or Xbox 360 for the reliability ?
for next years, PS3 or Xbox 360 will release more games ?
Is it better PS3 or Xbox for games available in store for the future until 2015 an 2016 ?
Thank-you !
have you been in forums before? this is like asking Dem or Rep, chevy or ford, Pc or mac.. very very difficult to get answer that are not fueled by silly stupidity.
but.. I can answer a few.. with general answers
Is it better PS3 or Xbox 360 for the reliability ?
Both had issues to start but the 360 was statistical much worse (at statrt). Today with both having new slim designs i think its a wash. Both seem to work fine
for next years, PS3 or Xbox 360 will release more games ?
MS has HISTORICALLY dropped old hardware support quit quickly when new is coming in. Sony supports its hardware much longer (except handhelds) so the PS3 should have games even when the PS4 comes out, and (things could change) the 360 will have no love from MS when the next Xbox comes out.
Is it better PS3 or Xbox for games available in store for the future until 2015 an 2016 ?
again from the past. MS will not spend money on the 360 once a new Unit is out (can you by an orginal Xbox game anymore? not around my area you cant) But the PS3 should still have some shelf space even when the PS4 comes out, i see PS2 games still on shelves here.
BUT!!!! MS has only been in consoles 2 generations and the 360 is (USA) 2nd in hardware sales behind the Wii, so they may support it far longer then the original Xbox, and I think they will. SONY has pumped every buck out of its consoles, so I cant see that changing.
I agree I feel sony has the better exclusives this gen.. Halo (FPS, there are a million) is the 360's strongest.. and i could are less about it. BUT MS has far deeper pockets then SONY and exclusives cost big bucks.. I tend to think both console makers learned this.. but MS has the money advantage.. so if i was a betting man, the new Xbox will have more (good or bad, who knows).
in the end, most games are on both.. and unless they where early in the consoles life cycle play fairly well on both (earlier games where most often better on the 360). So it gets to cost, exclusives.. and if you want to play online .. the 360 is stronger online, it simply has more players, so more matchs, with better chance of a good ping.. with one downside.. non stop ass-hats.. PS3 has matches (much fewer then 360).. but with very little chatter (good or bad).
For me it was easy, i prefer the PS3 (I do own both)but i play my 360 more.. used games are cheaper, i can often find new games for $10 on amazon.. games just run cheaper on it for some reason.. so I buy um for the 360.. and IF i was recommending to a person based on TODAY.. i would tell them 360. its often $50 to $100 cheaper new.. it has the current most users. IF you are looking long term.. then I might slid more to the PS3.. as i think it will be supported longer if MS follows its normal path.
honest - hope its helpfull.