My buddy just put together his x6800 with the DS3 gigabyte board yesterday.
He's telling me his CPU Freq. is set at 200Mhz in his BIOS.
Now I beleive this should be 266 correct? (266x11=2.9)
Are you supposed to just change this manually?
He using DDR2-800 Ram also with this. And the system memory multiplier is set to auto.
Is that ok also?
I'll do my best to answer any Q's but I do not have this system, its my friends who was questioning these settings.
Oh yeah- He's updated to the F3 BIOS also!
He's telling me his CPU Freq. is set at 200Mhz in his BIOS.
Now I beleive this should be 266 correct? (266x11=2.9)
Are you supposed to just change this manually?
He using DDR2-800 Ram also with this. And the system memory multiplier is set to auto.
Is that ok also?
I'll do my best to answer any Q's but I do not have this system, its my friends who was questioning these settings.
Oh yeah- He's updated to the F3 BIOS also!