I notice my hard drive light on my box is always running. Now what I mean is not thrasing away like some people have reported but more of a ever so slight blink and it does this approx every second. Its a very faint blink and so I checked in the task manager and it seems the physical and kernel memory are always changing. I know xp swaps memory with the swap file alsot but, this happens no matter what I am running or not. I can sit there with nothing running or usng the cpu and still see it constantly swaping memory. Its not like 100 megs of ram is being used and given back but its changing 20-50 megs or so at a clip. This happens when nothing is is accessing the hard drives and when nothing is running in the background so cpu usage at idle is 0%, so why would thi sram be constantly changing if nothing needs more memory and could this be the reason my hard drive light is constantly and faintly blinking? I watch the light and the changes in the memory and they seem to be in sync. Thanks.