Quantum Astronomy: The Double Slit Experiment


Senior member
Jan 13, 2003
This is a series of four articles each with a separate explanation of different quantum phenomena. Each of the four articles is a piece of a mosaic and so every one is needed to understand the final explanation of the quantum astronomy experiment we propose, possibly using the Allen Array Telescope and the narrow-band radio-wave detectors being build by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley.

story by

Dr. Laurance Doyle, astrophysicist at the SETI Institute

This is a series of four articles each with a separate explanation of different quantum phenomena. Each of the four articles is a piece of a mosaic and so every one is needed to understand the final explanation of the quantum astronomy experiment we propose, possibly using the Allen Array Telescope and the narrow-band radio-wave detectors being build by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley.

With the success of recent movies such as ?What the &$@# Do We Know?? and the ongoing -- and continuously surprising -- revelations of the unexpected nature of underlying reality that have been unfolding in quantum physics for three-quarters of a century now, it may not be particularly surprising that the quantum nature of the universe may actually now be making in-roads into what has previously been considered classical observational astronomy. Quantum physics has been applied for decades to cosmology, and the strange ?singularity? physics of black holes. It is also applicable to macroscopic effects such as Einstein-Bose condensates (extremely cold conglomerations of material that behave in non-classical ways) as well as neutron stars and even white dwarfs (which are kept from collapse, not by nuclear fusion explosions but by the Pauli Exclusion Principle ? a process whereby no two elementary particles can have the same quantum state and therefore, in a sense, not collapse into each other).

Well, congratulations if you have gotten through the first paragraph of this essay. I can?t honestly tell you that things will get better, but I can say that to the intrepid reader things should get even more interesting. The famous quantum physicist Richard Feynmann once said essentially that anyone who thought he understood quantum physics did not understand it enough to understand that he did not actually understand it! In other words, no classical interpretation of quantum physics is the correct one. Parallel evolving universes (one being created every time a quantum-level choice is made), faster-than-light interconnectedness underlying everything, nothing existing until it is observed, these are a few of the interpretations of quantum reality that are consistent with the experiments and observations.

There are many ways we could go now in examining quantum results. If conscious observation is needed for the creation of an electron (this is one aspect of the Copenhagen Interpretation, the most popular version of quantum physics interpretations), then ideas about the origin of consciousness must be revised. If electrons in the brain create consciousness, but electrons require consciousness to exist, one is apparently caught in circular reasoning at best. But for this essay, we shall not discuss quantum biology. Another path we might go down would be the application of quantum physics to cosmology -- either the Inflationary origin of the universe, or the Hawking evaporation of black holes, as examples. But our essay is not about this vast field either. Today we will discuss the scaling of the simple double-slit laboratory experiment to cosmic distances, what can truly be called, ?quantum astronomy.?

read the Full and very intersting Story

Quantum Astronomy: The Double Slit Experiment

Sir Ulli


Senior member
Jan 13, 2003
the second Part

This is the second article in a series of four articles each with a separate explanation of different quantum phenomena. Each article is a piece of a mosaic, so every one is needed to understand the final explanation of the quantum astronomy experiment we propose, possibly using the Allen Array Telescope and the narrow-band radio-wave detectors being build by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley.

In the first article, we discussed the double-slit experiment and how a quantum particle of light (a photon) can be thought of as a wave of probability until it is actually detected. In this article we shall examine another feature of quantum physics that places fundamental constraints on what can actually be measured, a basic property first discovered by Werner Heisenberg, the simplest form known as the "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle."

read the very interesting Story
Quantum Astronomy: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Sir Ulli



Senior member
Jan 13, 2003
the third part

This is the third article in a series of four articles each with a separate explanation of different quantum phenomena. Each article is a piece of a mosaic, so every one is needed to understand the final explanation of the quantum astronomy experiment we propose, possibly using the Allen Telescope Array and the narrow-band radio-wave detectors being build by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley.

In the previous two articles we discussed the basic double-slit experiment that demonstrates the dual nature of light ? wave and particle ? and then the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which demonstrates the complimentary (mutual exclusion) of what one can measure at the same time. In this article we shall discuss the more basic interpretation of quantum physics in terms of what one can even know or not know, and how this affects the results one is trying to measure.

read the very interesting story Astronomy: Knowability and Unknowability in the Universe

Sir Ulli


Senior member
Jan 13, 2003
the final Part

This is the final article in a series of four articles each with a separate explanation of different quantum phenomena. Each article is a piece of a mosaic, so every one is needed to understand the final explanation of the quantum astronomy experiment we propose, possibly using the Allen Telescope Array and the narrow-band radio-wave detectors being build by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley.

Quantum Astronomy: A Cosmic-Scale Double-Slit Experiment
Thus we may be able to use very narrow-band radio detectors to realize the delayed-choice (perhaps no longer just Gedanken) experiment proposed by Professor Wheeler. What is of interest in doing such an experiment? First, it may represent a possible way to directly measure delay times for gravitational lenses that don?t vary much in brightness, and such delay times can be used to measure the expansion rate of the universe (this parameter is called the "Hubble constant") directly. But more intriguing, perhaps, is that it can possibly provide a measure of the minimum time it takes for a wave to "become" a particle. If the quasar is one billion light years away (that?s about six billion trillion miles) and the interference pattern is being formed by a probability wave that is traveling along both paths A and B, then when one increases the bandpass (say, over one hour?s time) to the point where the wave becomes a particle (photon) then one might be able to speak in terms of the wave "becoming" a particle at the minimum rate of a billion light years per hour. This rate is considered in most quantum physics formulations to be instantaneous, but one is reminded of Galileo and a colleague standing on opposite hillsides with lamps trying to measure the speed of light. When one opened the lampshade, as soon as the other saw it, they opened their lampshade, and so, back and forth. They decided that the speed of light was either instantaneous of very very fast. It turned out to be very very fast (186,300 miles per second)?far too fast to measure with shaded lamps on nearby hills. So perhaps quantum astronomy may someday allow such a measurement of the speed of the wave-to-particle transition, if it is not instantaneous. What we have outlined here is just one experiment in many possible experiments that could be performed in what may be one of the most interesting new fields of the 21st Century, quantum astronomy.

Quantum Astronomy: A Cosmic-Scale Double-Slit Experiment

Sir Ulli