Wtf kind of food you eating that you don't want to smell cooking. I know I love the smell of my house after cooking usually.
Its probably cabbage and old gym socks in garbage juice soup
And your wife is cool with this?
is this a bad idea? i think my drywall is fireproof. i want wife to cook there so home dont stank up. any thing i should be aware of?
Its probably cabbage and old gym socks in garbage juice soup
Its probably cabbage and old gym socks in garbage juice soup
is this a bad idea? i think my drywall is fireproof. i want wife to cook there so home dont stank up. any thing i should be aware of?
i already have 3 freezers on a power surge in the garage
Isn't that the recipe for Kimchi???
My wife roasts peppers in the carport.
Are you Indian? Lots of Indian families around here have kitchens in their garages. When we were renters, you could always tell the house that had been lived in by Indian families...heavy curry smell, especially in the garage.