
Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
with all the threads relating to the question of the cards mentioned below, i felt an obligation to inform the public:

Dont get a FX5200, 5600, 5700, 9200, 9000 even if those listed before have "ultra" or "pro" in front of them or anything that has SE in it

if you need something for $100 or under, get a 4200 (if you dont got enough money, donate plasma)
if you got more than $100, rob a bank and get enough to get a 5900 non ultra
if you got $250, kill a person that you know has you in their will and get 9800 pro
anything beyond 9800 pro is rip off, cause 9800 can be o/c, so, buy a 9800 pro, overclock it to a XT and send the rest of the money left over to me, Nick1985, and/or M4H


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2003
It's not the fact that MOST of the ppl that buy an 9800xt don't understand that they are ripped off, my friend.
They just want to have the top class card no matter the cost or if this card helps them at all. It's just so that happens with almost everything in their life.
It's called superiority complex syndrome(elitism) :D
I like top class products too but not to the level of stupidity.


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Kongzi
The XT does have that OverDrive thing which nothing else has right?

Oh yeees!! That explains AND JUSTIFIES everything now.