If you have any intention of keeping your sanity, DO NOT ever study music theory. I just spent the past 2 hours at the keyboard playing an instrumental song I found in a production music library. Chord progressions, scales, key signatures (mostly F Melodic Minor) and other BULLSHIT has not only crippled my fingers but completely fried my brain. I wish I could say this is an isolated occurrence, but now whenever a song catches my ear, I MUST be near a piano so I can ANALYZE IT! Hours go by without even realizing it. It is a drug. It is addictive. Once you're familiar with it, it sticks with you forever and haunts you every day. You will no longer listen to music, you will ANALYZE IT! Analyzing music you like can actually be pretty stimulating, but once you understand the logic behind a piece of music, it feels like it's not worth listening to anymore. You'll keep searching for more challenging songs to learn. It's an endless cycle.
If you're a composer, the damage is even worse.
Music theory has messed me up pretty bad. HELP!
If you're a composer, the damage is even worse.
Music theory has messed me up pretty bad. HELP!