Not all degrees are created equal. Don't go to college until you know what you want to do because you will only waste your time and money. Anyone who told you that you should take a bunch of different classes to see what you like is on the take. The only way to find out what you like is to try to get some work experience.
If you graduated college with a BS, didn't go on to grad school and didn't have one of the following words on your degree, you got fooled:
Economics -- Mabye... you had better get good work experience or you'll be SOL without grad school
There may be a few I'm forgetting, but don't tell me that "I forgot marketing" or I'll reach through my internet connection and strangle you.
My sister thinks that she's going to make a living at life taking photos. She's one of the smartest people I know but she may as well announce to the world that she's going to make money by telling people what shapes she sees in the clouds :thumbsdown:
Her plan A: Teach photography at a college with a PhD in it
Her plan B: Teach photography at a HS.
Of course, if she had bothered to try following national politics with no child left behind and rapidly shrinking extra-curricular budgets, she'd already know that the HS plan was stupid. Furthermore, if she had bothered to look at what everyone else is doing, she'd notice that with both parents in the typical household working in the 21st century, that the little demand there is for STUPID majors like PHOTOGRAPHY is going down the toilet at most schools.
I'm so pissed at her...
If you graduated college with a BS, didn't go on to grad school and didn't have one of the following words on your degree, you got fooled:
Economics -- Mabye... you had better get good work experience or you'll be SOL without grad school
There may be a few I'm forgetting, but don't tell me that "I forgot marketing" or I'll reach through my internet connection and strangle you.
My sister thinks that she's going to make a living at life taking photos. She's one of the smartest people I know but she may as well announce to the world that she's going to make money by telling people what shapes she sees in the clouds :thumbsdown:
Her plan A: Teach photography at a college with a PhD in it
Her plan B: Teach photography at a HS.
Of course, if she had bothered to try following national politics with no child left behind and rapidly shrinking extra-curricular budgets, she'd already know that the HS plan was stupid. Furthermore, if she had bothered to look at what everyone else is doing, she'd notice that with both parents in the typical household working in the 21st century, that the little demand there is for STUPID majors like PHOTOGRAPHY is going down the toilet at most schools.
I'm so pissed at her...