I am a proud American. Today I am American most of all, not white, black, chinese or arabic, not a christian, jewish, muslim, nor agnostic, Not a libertarian, a democrat, or republican. I stand behind my country and the decisions it makes. My heart swells at the thought of the flag that symbolizes the freedoms that so many have died to give me. To those who have fallen in armed conflict, far from home, or on our own soil defending our constitution and way of life I give thanks. And for those who gave their lives today, without consent, or an opportunity to defend themselves, my heart has burst. There are those who would use this event to further their own political agendas. There are people who call themselves Americans that would prefer we sit on our laurels and forgive those who have today polluted the well that we all drink from. I say that we stand in solidarity against these people, and show them that this is a time for action, and not a time to question. It is time for every American to put aside their differences and come together. I would like to ask everyone to set aside Thursday September 14th as a day of remembrance for those Americans whose lives were taken today. I would propose that we wear black armbands throughout the day, wherever we might be to show those that we work with, go to school with, and are our friends and neighbors that this attack will not be forgotten, nor will it go unanswered. Please send this to everyone you know, go to the store and purchase a few yards of fabric, for the cost of 3 or 4 dollars you can make dozens of bands for those who would like to stand with you.
And to the families and friends of those lost or still missing, You have my sympathies. My thoughts are with you at this time, -
Please send this to everyone you can, post it on your favorite message boards, print it out and post it at your workplace, school, church, library, corner store or a nearby light-pole. I hope see you all take this stand with me on Thursday..............
JB Frazee
Proud American
Send all Rants, Raves, or Ideas for this day of remembrance to Crusis1@home.com
And to the families and friends of those lost or still missing, You have my sympathies. My thoughts are with you at this time, -
Please send this to everyone you can, post it on your favorite message boards, print it out and post it at your workplace, school, church, library, corner store or a nearby light-pole. I hope see you all take this stand with me on Thursday..............
JB Frazee
Proud American
Send all Rants, Raves, or Ideas for this day of remembrance to Crusis1@home.com