problems with ASUS A7M266-D

Carl D

Junior Member
Nov 8, 2004
i posted on here since i cant find an answer to my problem

i bought this board in hope of someday making a athlon mp server

i decided to test the board with:

antec 400W psu
(1)athlon thunderbird 1GHz
(1)Micron PC2100 ECC 512 MB stick.
matrox millenia G400
on a cardboard box

it starts up, or so it seems, the fans spin, the LED in the PCI slots is lit up. i just dont get any video output. what the board does do is give one normal beep, then two short beeps (which means no video present) then it goes into to the self destruct beep mode "high pitch beeps" these mean cpu overheat. i pulled the ram off to see if it beeps different, it did with the long beeps meaning "no ram"

i tried my geforce 2, still the same first beep code. i tried my PCI trident card in all three 32bit PCI slots and still nothing.

i did try clearing the cmos with removing the battery for a good long hour (no jumper for some odd reason)

also noted: tried the athlon in both cpu sockets,

it could be that this board is one power hungry beast?

any thoughts?


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Couple things to start with:

1) if you got your heatsink on backwards, like in the fourth photo here, then the CPU is probably a goner as a result.

2) the A7M266-D has a fitting for an AUX cable and a four-pin ATX12V power cable, just next to the main ATX cable. Hook 'em all up if you didn't already, and I see Asus also recommends a minimum 400W PSU for a fully-loaded system.

3) what kind of RAM you got there? See the notes on pages 21 and 22 of the manual about what it can and can't handle.

4) check your voltage-regulator jumpers against the manual's diagrams.

Bigger picture: a single-processor A7M266-D system is nothing special really, you would get better performance from a $54 Shuttle AN35N Ultra in nearly any situation. Only if you have an urgent need for the extra bandwidth of 64-bit 66MHz PCI... but how many of us do? :) So what I'm getting at is, don't throw more than $54 at the problem here ;)

Carl D

Junior Member
Nov 8, 2004
1) check, definately on right (the cpu is back in its original board running RC5)
2)all are connected, check
3)the ram is Micron PC2100, which isnt on the list in the manual or ASUS site, but crucial shows the stick as compatible on their site
4)all regulators are on 3-4 or default

about the bigger picture though im getting MPs for it soon, i just want to test it before i spend money on the hard to find CPUs. im thinking that the PSU just isnt enough even without added hardware.....


i have "faster boards" (4 XPs crunching FaD ) and what not and, i just like duallies. i had a pentium 3 dually (i miss it ). and wanted something a little fast (better crunching power) too.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Hmm :confused: How about that video card? A G400, that would be AGP 4X, right? Maybe test it in another system if there's any doubt it's functional?

Carl D

Junior Member
Nov 8, 2004
i did test that theory. and tested the geforce 2 and the pci trident card (a 94xx) from 1454...... maybe il try my old permedia 2 thats on the board the thunderbird came from