Problems booting from Linux CD/DVDs w/ AsRock Pro 4


Platinum Member
Feb 21, 2013
I posted this in general hardware, but I think it was appropriate to cross-post here since I sort of suspect that it's a motherboard problem.

In the past I've typically used Gnome Partition Editor for partitioning/formatting, and TeraByte's Image for Linux to do back-ups, even though I'm principally a windows7 user.

When I put together my new computer, I'm able to install and boot into windows7 easily, but when I try to boot from my live cds for either Gparted or TBImage, both of them hang without booting. I'm fairly sure the optical drive isn't the problem because I used it to install drivers for the MoBo, GPU, and a wireless adapter.

My new MoBo is an Asrock Pro4 w/ UEFI, could this be causing a problem? If so, any ideas how I can solve it? I really like GParted and TBImage so I'd prefer if the solution wasn't "use something else" :p