Prime95/Memtest86 Test Conclusions?


Junior Member
Jun 27, 2003
Test results

Memory seems to be pretty stable at its rated parameters, although I don't know what happened to cause the reboot during my second test. It didn't happen again though after I moved the RAM to slot 3. I remember reading another thread where someone had posted something about Athlon systems commonly failing test 4 in Memtest86. I'm not sure if this is something I need to worry about.

CPU is being cooled by a SLK-800U with AS Ceramique. Temps hover around 37-38C and went as high as 41C after that long-ass session of Memtest. I'm using stock cooling on the NB but since I'm not really pushing it beyond spec here, I can't imagine it would be a problem. Vcore is at default, and I can't adjust Vdimm since the BIOS menu simply locks up when I go into that option. Could this be an indication of a motherboard problem?

Windows XP loads fine in all cases and I was able to get in a few games of WC3 on the OCed setting. The OS never crashed completely but would sometimes act glitchy (abnormal delays), so I couldn't tell if this was due to hardware or general Windows weirdness. Of course the real concern is the fact that I can't pass Prime95 at all (always fails within the first minute), not even when the processor is underclocked. Should I just RMA the CPU (and possibly the motherboard) now or can anyone suggest some other test(s) that might reveal the problem? Thanks.


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
teejay01, I had the same problem with the Vdimm menu in BIOS. I reflashed and that issue went away. I'm not sure how you flashed, but I first did the update through Windows using MagicBIOS. This last time I went through the trouble of digging out a floppy drive and using the Alt-F2 method. Flash seemed to go fine, and the Vdimm issue went away.


Platinum Member
May 3, 2003
1826 is stock right? Prime95 should not be failing at stock speed, especially not with an SLK-800U and an Athlon not going over 41. Something must be wrong with the CPU, since Prime is failing even with relaxed timings? That is my guess.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
What is with ppl just selecting a few test in memtest86??? Run them all....I don't think it means chit if you don't....

I agree the cpu at default speed and ram at default timings should not fail prime95....I would trust prime95 as there is a problem...Prime may pass when there is still a problem but it usually is right when it comes to failing...the program is rather simple and therefore it should not be software related...


Junior Member
Jun 27, 2003
SpideyCU, thanks for the tip. I originally flashed the BIOS using the DOS method so I don't know what happened. Anyway, I reflashed and the problem went away.

Duvie, thanks for the heads-up on the Memtest test set. I did a couple of retests and selected "all" this time.

Check the link in my original post for the current results. It now looks like the RAM could be bad since I can't pass Prime95 with bus speeds over 100Mhz. However, Memtest86 still doesn't show any problems on any bus setting. I don't know what to believe at this point. Could the NB rev A1 be an issue? I would think the RAM could at least run at 166Mhz if not 200Mhz even if it isn't rev C1 or whatever. Dammit, I was hoping this would be a smooth upgrade.