prey keybindings question

May 11, 2008
I noticed that the keybindings are awful.

I used the wiki to figure out how to change some keymappings and it works :
But there something strange.
I changed keybindings :
mouse 2 = psi ability.
mouse 3 = psycho scope.
Pagedown = menu back. (which does not work properly)
When starting the game, this did not work and i had to assign the mouse 2 and mouse 3 functions again in the keybindings menu of the option menu because in the menu the psi ability and psycho scope did not have any keys assigned.
Now it pretty much works like i want to.
The only strange things is that when i check the actionmap.xml file.
There is no mouse 2 to be found. And it really works when i start the game again.
The only conclusion is that prey 2017 stores the keybindings also in another file on another location.
I went through all the xml files and config files that i could find in the saved games directory but i have not found it so far.
Anybody know where the alternate keybindings file is ?
May 11, 2008
I found some interesting reddit post and used that as basis.

Well, if interested here is mine edited actionsmap for a left handed person.
This removes the weird mousewheel actions from the main screen options menu and in game menus like inventory or objects.
Now the mousewheel functions normally. Only vertically scrolling up and down through emails, research... etcetera.
mousewheel down is zoom in for the pscycho scope.
mousewheel up is zoom out for the pscycho scope.
Some functions have to be reassigned in the options menu (empty keybinding) to get them to work and i have no idea yet where prey is storing that information.
Because it is not in the actionmaps file. But it works.
Before trying, make a copy of the original actionmaps.xml first. That way, it is easy to revert.

The only thing i have not found yet is how after scanning with the psychoscope to jump out of the screen with any other button but the mouse2 button.
The problem is that the psi ability is also mapped to this key and when pressing the button twice by accident will shoot a psi ability.
Annoying but i have no idea how to solve that yet.

<ActionMaps version="73">
 <actionmap name="default">
  <action name="moveright">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="right" defaultInput="d"/>
  <action name="moveforward">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="up" defaultInput="w"/>
  <action name="moveback">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="down" defaultInput="s"/>
  <action name="moveleft">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="left" defaultInput="a"/>
 <actionmap name="examination">
  <action name="use">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="loot_navup">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="up"/>
  <action name="loot_navdown">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="down"/>
  <action name="loot_navright">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="right"/>
  <action name="loot_navleft">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="left"/>
  <action name="loot_search">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="delete" defaultInput="g"/>
  <action name="specialUse">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="delete" defaultInput="g"/>
 <actionmap name="focusmode">
  <action name="sprint">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="rshift" defaultInput="lshift"/>
  <action name="use_food_item">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="np_0" defaultInput="c"/>
 <actionmap name="hacking">
  <action name="hack_final4">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="hack_moveup">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="up" defaultInput="w"/>
  <action name="hack_movedown">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="down" defaultInput="s"/>
  <action name="hack_moveleft">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="left" defaultInput="a"/>
  <action name="hack_moveright">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="right" defaultInput="d"/>
  <action name="hack_final1">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mouse3" defaultInput="z"/>
  <action name="hack_final3">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="np_0" defaultInput="c"/>
 <actionmap name="menu">
  <action name="menu_external_consume">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="delete" defaultInput="g"/>
  <action name="toggleabilities">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="a" defaultInput="n"/>
  <action name="toggledata">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="d" defaultInput="j"/>
  <action name="togglestatus">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="s" defaultInput="p"/>
  <action name="menu_take_stow">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="menu_take_all">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="menu_split">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mouse3" defaultInput="z"/>
  <action name="menu_use">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="delete" defaultInput="g"/>
  <action name="menu_examine">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="np_1" defaultInput="r"/>
  <action name="menu_map_pan_left">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="left" defaultInput="a"/>
  <action name="menu_map_pan_right">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="right" defaultInput="d"/>
  <action name="menu_map_pan_up">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="up" defaultInput="w"/>
  <action name="menu_map_pan_down">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="down" defaultInput="s"/>
 <actionmap name="player">
  <action name="reload">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="np_1" defaultInput="r"/>
  <action name="toggle_flashlight">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="home" defaultInput="v"/>
  <action name="zoom_in">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mwheel_down" defaultInput="mwheel_up"/>
  <action name="zoom_out">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mwheel_up" defaultInput="mwheel_down"/>
  <action name="jump">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="rctrl" defaultInput="space"/>
  <action name="sneak">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="np_0" defaultInput="c"/>
  <action name="sprint">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="rshift" defaultInput="lshift"/>
  <action name="use">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="Carry">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="mouse_enter_focusmode">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="enter" defaultInput="mwheel_up"/>
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="enter" defaultInput="mwheel_down"/>
  <action name="keypad0">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="np_7" defaultInput="np_0"/>
  <action name="keypad1">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="np_1"/>
  <action name="keypad7">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="np_7"/>
  <action name="mimic_swap_camera">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mouse3" defaultInput="z"/>
  <action name="loot_navup">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="up"/>
  <action name="loot_navdown">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="down"/>
  <action name="loot_navright">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="right"/>
  <action name="loot_navleft">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="" defaultInput="left"/>
  <action name="loot_search">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="delete" defaultInput="g"/>
  <action name="worldui_examine">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mouse3" defaultInput="z"/>
  <action name="toggle_scope">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mouse3" defaultInput="z"/>
  <action name="toggleabilities">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="a" defaultInput="n"/>
  <action name="toggledata">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="d" defaultInput="j"/>
  <action name="togglestatus">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="s" defaultInput="p"/>
  <action name="equip_last_weapon">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mwheel_down" defaultInput="tab"/>
  <action name="specialUse">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="delete" defaultInput="g"/>
  <action name="enter_focusmode">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="b" defaultInput="mouse3"/>
 <actionmap name="world_ui_examination">
  <action name="use">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="end" defaultInput="f"/>
  <action name="worldui_examine">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mouse3" defaultInput="z"/>
  <action name="toggleabilities">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="a" defaultInput="n"/>
  <action name="toggledata">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="d" defaultInput="j"/>
  <action name="togglestatus">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="s" defaultInput="p"/>
Last edited:
May 11, 2008
I found this site as well :
Tried these to get the zoom in and zoom out to be reversed when viewing the map.
But i did not succeed. :(
Tried in the menu section and in the player section but for seom reason it does not work.

  <action name="menu_map_zoomout">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mwheel_down" defaultInput="mwheel_up"/>
  <action name="menu_map_zoomin">
   <rebind device="keyboard" input="mwheel_up" defaultInput="mwheel_down"/>