Power Supply Testers


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
Yes. But if you want to check to see if there is actually voltage at the extra 3 wires, you'll need to use a meter while the tester is plugged in. There is a newer tester that is all over the place for under $10. that tests some of the other connectors too (the P4, the molex, etc.) but it's still good to use a meter too. Those testers tell you whether there is a voltage at some pins not whether it is within spec or present on ALL the pins that it's supposed to be and that there is no voltage on ALL the pins that are supposed to be grounds. So a meter is still necessary to do a thorough job.




Elite Member
May 1, 2001
Any decent DMM (digital multimeter) will do - here's one: http://www.bgmicro.com/lmad5.asp - the meter is down the page a bit. The same company has several others. And a suitable one can be had for under $10. that has just the basic Volt/Ohm/Amp readings.
