Well I just got all of the hardware compiled for my new system and put it all together. Only one thing wrong. It doesn't power up. The psu fan will move maybe half and turn then die. I figured, its a psu problem. I went to town and bought a brand new psu and tried it. Same thing. I have pulled cards out, reseated ram, checked switches and power buttons wires and I get nothing. So I'm leaning toward it being three things that are crapped on it: (1)RAM (2)Processor (1.1GHZ Duron) or (3) My mobo is crapped. But the symptoms are I hit the power button, the psu fan turns a little then dies. After that it does nothing when i hit the power button. If I disconnect the connector from the motherboard and plug it back in and hit the power button the fan will move a little again then nothing. Let me know what ya guys think.