Power needs revisited


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Well, I've been away on vaca for a month or so now, and I got my second electric bill, the first one based on what I haven't been using (since I've been away). I left my main (12000BTU) AC running, set to 78F. My electric bill was $136.

When I had my quad-GPU box, my overclocked C2D E2140 @ 2.8, my HTPC, and my laptop all running basically 24/7, along with the AC, and a few lights, my electric bill was $180.

So obviously, my F@H box wasn't drawing all $180 by itself. In fact, it looks a lot more reasonable now. The problem is the AC (and that I need to run the AC to keep the computers cool).


Golden Member
Oct 18, 2008
So, the $180 is with no f@h box running? Was the AC a constant in both bills? Am I right in deducing that $180 - $136 is roughly the cost of the cost of folding with your quad gpu box?


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
So, the $180 is with no f@h box running? Was the AC a constant in both bills? Am I right in deducing that $180 - $136 is roughly the cost of the cost of folding with your quad gpu box?

$44 a month @ national average rate of 11.96 cents per kwh would be 367.89 kwh in a month. there are 1440 hours in a month, so that means in order to be 100% machine, the machine is pulling 255 watts at the wall, and on 24/7. That seems low for a quad GPU box.


Golden Member
Oct 18, 2008
I'm coming up with 720 hours in a month (24 hrs/day * 30 days = 720) :D

So with this I come up with 511 watts that it is pulling, which seems a little more accurate.

My question remains however, is the only difference between the bill the quad gpu machine?


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
No, there is a C2D E2140 @ 2.8Ghz, a HTPC AMD BE-2400 @ 2.875Ghz, and a laptop, along with lights.,

So those were in there along with the F@H box.

$180 bill - everything, including the computers and AC running
$136 bill - only the main AC running


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2001
I don't need to run the AC at my new place yet.. The house i'm in is in the shade constantly, so that keeps the temps fairly cool.. I'm currently only running 5 boxes. I do keep the doors and windows open when i'm home to help with circulation and it also keeps the internal temps of the house down. I also try to keep lights off in rooms that i'm not currently in or using.

I won't recieve my first electric bill for another month so I can't gauge yet... but i'm happy that I don't need to use the AC... even on days that are 95F... like today.