A teenager who lost most of her skin and her vision in a horrifying adverse reaction to Children’s Motrin has on Wednesday won $109million from the drug’s manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson.
Samantha Reckis, who was only seven years old when she took the children’s ibuprofen to combat a fever, suffered a rare but potentially fatal side effect that caused her to go blind and 90 percent of her skin to fall off.
In total, the Plymouth, Massachusetts Superior Court jury ruled that Ms Reckis and her parents should be awarded at total of $109million by Johnson & Johnson and its subsidy McNeil-PPC Inc, including interest.
Holy hell - I had no idea that was even a possible reaction.
The condition, while rare, is a severe allergic reaction to medications such as barbiturates, penicillins, and sulphonamides
Is it normal for all of these drugs to warn of rare potential allergic reactions? I don't have a kid but even as an adult I am always on the lookout for a potential reaction when I take a new medicine