Post your best PRANKS here people


Senior member
Dec 8, 2000
ill start it off...lets try to get 50 different pranks here....

It would also be funny if you logged onto some porn site with the browser not covering any icons, and the pointer off of the screen, and then set it as the background. Could you imagine that?!?! Do it to someone at work, and when their boss walks by, and sees him frantically trying to close the browser! HA! Great column!

Saran wrap someone's car. I know, it takes a long time, but my dad's a college professor, and somehow, his students managed to saran wrap most of the faculty's cars. Let me tell you, it's the funniest sight, and a bitch to get off. Another prank... saran wrap everything inside a house or office. This takes a lot of time, but when done, it's very satisfying (again, happened to my dad and some of the faculty).


Senior member
Dec 27, 2000
Yeah! That porn one is cool! It will REALLY be funny when the guy gets fired!


Oct 21, 1999
2 weeks ago me and two friends took all the tires off my friends car, and put his car on cincder blocks, i took pics, scanners broke though, funny as hell hiding in a bush watching him put them on at 4am
Edit- almost forgot, after he got them on, he went to werk, well my friend's mom owns a dariy queen, and he has the key, so we went in, ate some food, got mad peanut butter and chocalite and liqioud marshmellon and trashed his car while he was at werk, his car was right in front in the parking lot, i also took pics of it, but tthem ones did'nt come out :|


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I did this on accident once, but it ended up being a great prank. I had a sore in my mouth, and was putting Anbesol(sp?) on it when I spilled it all over my younger brother's toothbrush. I rinsed it off a little, but I guess I didn't get all of it off. He came barging into my room later that night, drooling and mumbling something incoherent.


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
1. I do the print screen with the icons and then set it as the background, move the real icons off the screen and then they try to click on the bitmap icons its funny.

2. Also you can set the cache for your Netscape/IE to the desktop so everytime they use the internet with said browser new icons pop up constantly and cover the screen!

3. Get into someones car and funnel talcum powder into the AC vent then turn the fan on high, when they start their car the fan comes on and POOF powder everywhere.

4. In a public library/school library even a store that uses the magnetic security system. Take one of the sensors and put it on somones jacket, bookbag anywhere on them and let them try to leave.

5. This one is bad, I dunno if I should post it. If anyone wants to know pm me...


Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
I used to work at a drug store. One night towards closing, I took one of our sale signs and wrote "HONK YOUR HORN IF YOU'RE HORNY" on the back of it in bright red marker. I took the sign to the parking lot and tapped it to my co-worker's car bumper.
He thought he was the most popular guy in town for about a week. People were honking at him at ever red light and stop sign. When he finally found it, he was laughing too hard to be pissed.

Here's another good one:

My roommate was pissing me off a little while ago, so one day when he was out, I changed all the targets for his shortcuts to gay pr0n sites. I'm sitting in my room and I hear him yell cause he clicked on winamp and "" came up.


Oct 9, 1999
It was finals time back in college and everyone was on edge. I was in a group meeting in computer lab. I decided to use a printer prank to get a good laugh. If you know someone that has a HP LaserJet 4 with the little LED display, you can change it to any message using PJ language. Anyway, I changed the standard "00 READY" to "16 COOLANT LOW." The first person to see it nearly bugged out. He ran to the help desk and got a student assistant to check it out. The assistant was baffled and played with everything. He pulled the paper tray, checked the toner, checked the fusing unit, and even turned it on and off. Each time I simply redisplayed the message. Soon he called in several technician to check it out and they were equally baffled. To top it all off, I changed the message to "18 FIRE WARNING." Everyone looking at the printer practically jumped out of their shoes!!! Since it was finals time and the school couldn't afford to take down a printer because of the printing volume, they kept it on. Oh, before the technician left, he gave everyone a suggestion, "IF THAT DAMN THING STARTS SMOKING, JUST RUN, SCREAM, DUCK AND COVER, WHATEVER. JUST GET AWAY FROM IT."




Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
another one: (pranks are one of my true joys)

In high school a group of friends and I were sorta considered trouble makers. We planned out a "shooting scene" for the cafeteria crew's enjoyment, or horror, depending on how you look at it. (this was back before any of the school shootings, so it was in good taste)

Anyway, I brought a cap gun to school and sat at a separate lunch table from a friend of mine who had a ketchup packet slightly torn at the top in his hand. He threw a french fry at me and I stood up and swore at him loudly to get everyone's attention. He got out of his seat and asked "what are you gonna do about it?" So I pulled the cap gun and fired it at him. He grabbed his chest using the hand with ketchup in it, so red 'blood' sprayed everywhere. He fell against the wall and played dead.

Oh my god, you've never seen so many people go nuts in your life. One lunch lady fainted, all the other kids were screaming, and no one knew what to do. We only let it go on for a minute before my friend stood up and we let everyone know it was a joke. We ended up getting suspended and I know lots of you think it was a completely stupid thing to do, but back then it seemed like a good idea. Classmates of mine said it was one of the coolest things they'd ever seen. Even the lunch ladies told us we did a good job scaring them.

I would never consider doing something like this with all the recent 'real' school shootings, so don't flame me too much.


Golden Member
Feb 1, 2000
In college, we had this kid in there that was very anal retentive. Nobody really liked him, but he insisted on hanging out with us. One day, during a break in between classes, he went out and took a nap in his car. While he was napping, we duct taped and saran wrapped his car doors shut. It was cold outside and the duct tape was stuck fast to his windows and everything so he couldn't even roll his windows down.


Oct 31, 2000
Things I did in college:

1. Completely covered someone's room in toilet paper.

2. Duct taped someone's door shut. He had to climb out the window to go to class.

3. Put drops of honey on the wall of a person's room who occasionally had ant trouble.

All this was retribution for rolling my Miata! :)


Aug 31, 2000
oh this one was kinda lame:

My bro's x-Gf's mom didn't want the parents of my brothers friends knowing they were together, so my bro had to hide things from his buddy. One time I called his buddy, and my bro was in the room, And i got the guys machine.. . I start talkin bout my bro and his gf to the machine. Just as he rips the phone from my hand, i here it beep. then he goes shoutin into the phone for a mintue or 2 about how i was just kidding around about him havinga gf, and just totally blabbing into the machine. Then i tell him i had been talkin to the machine. Needless to say, I got a major laugh, because he told his friends everything. .