Possible power supply problems - help


Jun 3, 2004
I'm having a problem with my computer running extremely hot after sometimes 5 to 10 minutes of usage.
Both the case and the fan vent from the power supply warms up. It doesn't happen everytime I turn on the computer, but it happens frequently. The computer will freeze up after booting up and I have to reset - turn the computer off/on about 2 to 3 times before I can use the computer. Before I go out to buy a power supply, I need to know if what I describe is a possible power supply problem. I have opened up the case and removed all dust from the inside recently, but it still runs hot. Its giving off an odor almost like a burning smell when the computer is running. This doesn't happens all the time. I have put my hand on the case and the power supply fan appears to be turning, but I'm not completely sure if it is or not.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2002
my extremely hot, are you refering to the CPU, the case, or the power supply unit itself? if it's the power supply itself, check to make sure the fan is spinning on the back, that's always a good thing. you have your case all closed up? if so, when's the last time you actually opened it? there's probably tons of dust and gunk in all of your fans, even your processor's heatsink/fan. which brings me to your processor, make sure that fan is spinning too, make sure there's no huge dust bunnies all up in there. try running the pc with the sides of your case off, that'll cool it down a great deal if it's a heat issue inside the case.


Oct 12, 1999
In addition, I see no reason to pay someone to install a new power supply.
It is very easy to do. Takes just a few minutes.


Jun 3, 2004
Thanks, You are right about the ease of installing a new power supply. I misrepresented myself when I said I need go out to pay some else install a new power supply since I can do that myself If that's indeed what my problem turns out to be.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 1999
Yeah, a good idea would be to get a can of compressed air and blow out all the dust. You might even want to open up your PSU to do that (unplugged, of course, and don't touch any of the electronics inside).

You might also want to invest in a few intake fans.

how old is the computer?
I'm not sure how long it takes, but some thermal greases evaporate or stop working properly after a while.


Senior member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: JAGedlion
how old is the computer?
I'm not sure how long it takes, but some thermal greases evaporate or stop working properly after a while.

additonally if you are experiencing a burning smell, check to make sure there is nothing interferring w/ the heat transfer between any heatsinks and sources. if it is a somewhat older computer you may need to reapply thermal grease too.


Jan 5, 2001
You might also check that your CPU fan does not blow on to your PS.
I had a similar problem, the computer would freeze when doing anything that demanded a lot of power, like a game.
I put it together on a shoestring and the case was small.
The problem turned out to be the CPU was partially underneath the PS.
Bought another case, and it runs fine now.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
It does sound like it could be a PSU problem, what brand is the PSU? If it's a generic brand, IE powermax(I had a lot of problems with one), thats most likely your problem.


Jun 3, 2004
Thanks to all for the replies. The computer is roughly 3 years old. I had a service agreement with a company that I bought the computer from but like many .com companies they went out of business (
I still had time left on my agreement at the time). Except for this problem, the computer has served me well. I'm not certain what is meant by thermal greases. I can tell you that the power supply I have is a 350 watt power supply. I have an Athlon 1700+ system. What I really need to know are the symptoms I describe are consistent with possibly the power supply going bad. Like I said, sometimes I'm able to get on to the computer while most time it freezes up on me when I try to get on. Then after being on the computer for a while, it will freeze up on me. If I put my hand on the case, the computer is hot to the touch. Also, if I put my hand to where the supply fan is blowing on the back of the computer, its hot to the touch too. I'm using the XP operating system in case that makes a difference. I don't have software installed on the computer that monitors the fan, cpu or psu temperatures. Please Help me if you can!


Senior member
Dec 29, 1999
Remove your CPU and check under the heat sink for dried up thermal paste. Also, check the exterior of the P/S with your hand. It should only be warm to the touch, not hot.

although quick's method is correct for checking if the thermal grease is bad, there might be an easier way.

If you can either install a program like motherboard monitor, or if your BIOS has a page where it tells you the temperature of the CPU, check howo hot the CPU is right after, or even before, the computer crashes. If its anything under I'd say 65-70 degrees celcius, its probably not the CPU heating up thats causeing the problem. You can use the same method to see if the interior of the case is infact heating up too much or not.
EDIT: and, of course, if the temperatures are sky rocketing, check the thermal grease like quick said.

What do you have in the system? You can try removing components and see if that increases stability, in which case it would almost definetly be the power supply.