POLL: Paranormal Events - Fact of Fiction? (inspired from the UFO thread-NOT A PARODY)


Oct 7, 2001
well, i posted about a UFO sighting i had ..here's a couple more stories I personally have experienced.

I personally still don't believe in ghost and paranomial events and such...until i get insane solid scientific proof..otherwise, i'll call my experiences something my brain manipulated towards my own self...but rest assured..these stories of mine are TRUE and I PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED THEM...

WTF A UFO?!(late 1992):
(from my ufo post on the other Thread):
ehh...i don't believe in them...well not yet at least..hehe

yes i do believe there can be life elsewhere...and intelligent life too...

BUT..the chances of two surviving intelligent species coexisting within flying distance of each other is insanely astronomically miNUTE....the universe is roughly 14 billion years old (space.com reference).....humans lived for only 2 million years...and being able to actually show signs of intelligence and becoming a civilization took place only for thousands of years....
(my numbers are probably off..lol )

2mil/thousands of years compared to 14 billion....earth being 4.6 billion years old........

you think we'll still be here 100 million years from now?..no speacies even lived any longer than tens of millions (except for the cockroach)

so no, since the odds are way too small...no way i can say ufo's exist unless an alien actually shows up in front of me.......and popular science did an article about this awhile back ago talking about how there are only 2 unexplained official sightings of ufo's.....all others were hoax's, other aircraft, etc...

well, i do have a UFO experience...when i was in the 5th grade, my brother in the 3rd (i remember this very very clearly still in my head)...

I was in hawaii w/ my family (they have minimum speed limits!!! well, back then they did..)....and we were in the rental van..i looked up into the sky, and saw a perfect silvery round ball object flying across the sky...i told my brother to look @ it...he said oh wow a UFO....i looked at it for a good 5 minutes...it's speed was very slow, and it was amongst the clouds...passing through them..(clouds were pretty low....the big fluffy variety kind....)..sunlight was reflecting off of its perfect chrome exterior.....

me and my bro to this day have no idea what we saw..he says they're aliens (he goes to northwestern university on a 7 year med program on scholarship..bright kid...and i'm a stupid kid as a EE major @ university of california, SD.. ...well, just saying that we're not crazy lol...we're normal kids)...i think what i saw was just some weather balloon..but don't they go up waay way up into the skky?...maybe it was a weather ballloon on it's way..but i swear it was moving in a straight line...sigh oh wells...

for those who were in honolulu, hawaii in near the end of 1992...that's when i saw it...anyone else seen it?...

but i still won't believe that we have dudes visiting us....i know it's possible..but until i get solid proof then yes...i'll start believing then....hehehe

cliffnotes: i don't believe in ufo's...but i saw one (technically yes an UNIDENTIFIED flying object)...round silver ball going through the sky in late 1992 in honolulu..but i still don't believe in it..hehe

WTF WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?! (late 1994):
as you entered my old house from the front door, you actualy entered the 2nd floor (the house sloped downwards on a hill...if you lived in diamond bar, CA, and know about "The Country" estates..then you know what i'm talking about....

anyways me and my mom was entering the house from helping her out grocery shoppping....SUDDENLY the freakin railing of the staircase that leads to the bottom floor violently shakes w/ a loud loud shaking metal sound, followed by footsteps going down....it happens right when we enter.....so i immediatly run down the house...it was a split second decision, and i know i wasn't too far from him...i could almost feel the dude's presence...except..i didn't see anyone in front of me...turn on all the lights, head to the only exit in the downstairs (which is this sliding glass door)...the blinds were still closed, untouched, and undisturbed..and the sliding door (lockable only from the inside) was locked...my mom calls security, i reach for the fire place wood stick which is right next to the sliding door,...and look around...eventually turning up nothing..i chked everywhere, and security and police came over and chked for any shoeprints or anything...they found nothing...and nothing was stolen...

when my mom went outside, she claimed she saw a white ghostly figure sprint up from the roof and just disapear into the sky...it was a clear night that night,...but to this day, i doubt her and still believe it was some nut that's super good at hiding..probably hid up the chimney and escaped after everyone left...

cliffnotes: came home, railing of staircase shakes violently..i look for any suspects..found non..house had no evidence of a break in..mom says when she was outside w/ the police, she saw a white figure disapear from the roof...i disagree and still think it's a clever thief that got non that night

WTF THE CHANDELIER(SP)??!(late 1998):
ok so i was walking towards back to my room from the study room and suddenly i hear a very very noticeable, but not loud, "TINK TINK Tink tink..tink.." sound..it came from the right and i looked over my shoulder towards the sound (lights were already on)...i saw the chandelier(sp?) swinging back and forth (but not violently..) and there was a glass vase on the lamp that housed a fancy lookin light bulb...that vase was noticeably tilted ...i always used to clean the dining area...chandeliere (i'm super sorry about the spelling..lol) included (gets dusty all the time)...and i swear everything was straight from the last time i cleaned (which was like 2 days b4)....PHOK MAN...i ran to my room and shut the door and didn't sleep that night :(

WTF A QUARTER FLEW @ ME??!?!! (early 1999):
during high school, me and my bro feverishly studied for exams and such towards the early hours of the morning a lot...

my brother often liked to lay down on the couch to read or rest...and the restrooms is right next to the room...they were in clear view from the couch in the room

so i head towards the restrooms to take a well-deserved leak...and on my way...off the corner of my eye i see something FLY @ ME and i casually dodge it...and the object freakin smacks the wall, makes a small nick in the wall, and drops to the tiled floor, spinning..and slowly coming to a stop....i pick it up, it's a quarter from 1979....(same year my cousin was born..i'll tell you the cousin story..it's next after this one)

my brother, who is lying on the couch, sees the whole event and we both run out and turn on all the nights...the quarter flew from the same direction as where the chandeliere is located....i checked if my dad was pulling a prank on me, check on the masters bed room..and he's snoring in deep sleep w/ my mom....

me and my bro called it a night and went to our rooms and couldn't sleep that night..so we just stayed up playing starcraft...:(

note: we don't live there anymore...despite those two events, i loved the house though hehehe

my cousin was born in 1979..the same year the quarter that flew @ me was dated...i know it's pure coincidence..but me and my cousin share strikingly similar ideals about religion..or rather, the belief of a nonexistence of a diety that created everything

my cousin and his dad told me this story....the family are devoute catholics (@ the time yes my cousin was too...he was 5).
One night, my cousin was sleeping and had an awful dream...a man in an intense black cloak was chasing after him and eventually got right in front of his face...no matter what my cousin did, the man's face would always be in front of his eyes......scared, he awoke from the nightmare, only to find a red hand hovering right above his face...he shrieked..his dad ran over, ...saw the hand..turned on the lights..the hand disapeared......

they say the event happened 3 times...

also his bro claimed that whenever he's outside of the house in the backyard playing w/ his friends..everyone gets this wierd feeling someone from the inside is watching...only to find the blinds and curtains swinging in the wind..a wind from the inside...

i don't believe them still...they were little kids and my uncle (cousin's dad) is a devoted catholic so ghosts is probably nothign new to them...

but you never know.. :(

i'm absolutely not sh!tting you about these....phok now that i told these stories, i can't sleep..gee thnx to the dude who started the ufo thread :| :p

also, about the dates, it was around late 1998 towards 2000 that i started to not believe in a God and stuff.....right now i'm agnostic.....
2 years ago, i had a flurry of christians come up to me, via phone, internet, email, personal visit....complete strangers...who came up to me and started to pray w/ me and crap and stuff...and talking about of joining their christian organization, church, etc......


and i'm still agnostic, and i still don't believe in ufo's, and i think paranomal events are a crock of craap... :)



Oct 7, 2001
you knw what's my theory of ghosts?...they're actually a vision from the past...there's a disturbance in the space-time continuoum (LOL) so you see a sudden event that occured in the past...
it's a window to the past if you will...a "monitor/TV" showing an even that occured earlier in the 4th dimention (time)....i think that's what a ghost is...a figure that has suddenly somehow appeared in present time while it is occuring in the past

don't jack my theory! make sure you quote me saying it ! LOL hehehehe jk bsbs :p

BTW Schadenfroh.....you have 4000+ posts in from a mere 5 months.....and i can see you neffing like a madman now... :( you're insane...


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
well, i saw a ufo when i was about 6 or 7, it flew over me at a low altitude when i was in my back yard. it was your classic UFO. like the very small ufo from Xcom. the triangular cone shape looking thing.

and if i am insane, what do you call this guy



Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
well, i saw a ufo when i was about 6 or 7, it flew over me at a low altitude when i was in my back yard. it was your classic UFO. like the very small ufo from Xcom. the triangular cone shape looking thing.

and if i am insane, what do you call this guy


holy crap...ok he wins :p 7000+ IN 4 MONTHS?!..


Sep 16, 2000
I'm undecided. I dont beluieve in them, and yet I've had experiences logic simply cannot as of yet define for me.
In other words, shyte happens that shouldnt happen.....
But I used to live in a "haunted house" so I guess thats expected.


Oct 7, 2001

Originally posted by: Shockwave
I'm undecided. I dont beluieve in them, and yet I've had experiences logic simply cannot as of yet define for me.
In other words, shyte happens that shouldnt happen.....
But I used to live in a "haunted house" so I guess thats expected.

tell us about them..i spilled my stories :(


Oct 7, 2001
^^ 2

no one else who can link up more info on paranormal events?.....i culdn't sleep last night by posting this! :(

read the stories...they're true :(