POLL: Overclocks for Barton 2500+


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
I have noticed that this is becoming a reasonable candidate for overclocking, I have just decided to start my quest in overclocking with this processor and have only bumped it up to 2.0ghz...am considering bumping again to 2.2ghz.

Was just wondering what kind of speeds others are running at.

EDIT: hmm can't change it from speeds to speed.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: VisableAssassin
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
11.5x200@1.632v actual

god would i love to have your CPU LOL except id see how high she would go at say 1.85v or so :)
I won't drop the fsb below 200 and the IGP on the 75MRN it's in doesn't like any higher fsb so 2.4ghz at 1.775 actual is the stable limit and it won't boot into windows@2.5ghz on 1.825v actual (1.85v bios) The extra heat and voltage aren't worth it for a 100mhz more so here it stays :)



Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
oh man, got a week 25 AQXEA 2500+ today, 65th of the batch although it seems like the core isnt a solid colour like every other chip ive seen, kind of faded from a lighter to the usual redish colour halfway up, which im lead to believe makes for a poor overclocker.

anyhoo i wont be able to test it properly until i get a new psu, as voltages fluctuate somewhat overclocking past 2ghz

2ghz on stock voltage = completely stable but 2.1ghz+ seem a bit flakey, might be completely stable for a while but then the psu goes a bit dodgy with voltages and the computer will lock up