As an avid pen collector (yes, you read that right), there's only one Mont Blanc that I've ever been impressed with. It was a gunmetal barreled fountain pen that was bastard-cut (think like a file -- grooved at one angle and then grooved at another angle); and in each of the intersections of the cuts (four thousand small intersections) there was a diamond. (The pen is mentioned in
this article.)
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I find balance and weight lacking on most Mont Blancs -- I much prefer Cross in thie regard. Although I do know a lot of people who do like Blancs proving it is personal preference. I certainly wouldn't place a disposable G2 in the same category as a Mont Blanc however. If you just want something to toss around and jot things down with, you might be better off with the G2. Having said that, I carry my low-end (~$100) Cross fountain with me everywhere, so YMMV as always.