Yes, I failed one class (F) and didn't pass another (D+). The class I failed in was during my sophomore year while I was pursuing my B.S. degree in IT. It was an Object Oriented programming course in Java, which up to that point I had only done C, so it was a big change.
Of course, it didn't help that the professor was an ass who told the class he was going to make everyone fail, and then he'd give these ridiculous assignments that are to this day still massively more complex than my upper level programming assignments I'm getting now in my senior year. If you asked him a question, he either wouldn't respond or he'd give you an answer that had nothing to do with your question. His lectures consisted of slurring in a barely audible tone over powerpoint slides that were horribly put together demonstrating code that never compiled.
So yeah...I failed that one.
The other class I got the D+ in was Computer Sciene 1, where we had an Indian professor that could not speak english. As with the first teacher, his notes and powerpoints were awful and none of his code compiled so you couldn't work with the material he was trying to teach. At least this guy was nice. I would have passed if I hadn't bombed the final, which BTW had nothing to do with the review the professor gave us.
Other than that...I've got a 3.2 GPA, so I'm not doing too horrible, and I'm set to graduate very shortly.