Poll: Do you think today is the beginning of end for Trump? [Post-Helsinki Summit with Putin]

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Do you think today is the beginning of end for Trump

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 8.5%
  • No

    Votes: 45 54.9%
  • Genuinely not sure

    Votes: 30 36.6%

  • Total voters


Nov 11, 1999
Per a few minutes ago, its Okay, Russia is no longer meddling. Trump has been very, very tough on Russia.
Strongest President ever

and a side of no collusion.

weird cnn link (sorry)


And the staff quickly threw the media out of the room. It's clear that Trump has no respect for their help & guidance whatsoever. They try to get him out of a jam & he dives right back into it. He doesn't listen to anybody other than maybe Yosemite Sam & Stephen Miller.


Feb 15, 2002
Just heard about leakers saying the Pres was digging his heels in about the walk back before he did it.
We effectively have a 12 year old (12 may be generous) as President.


Jun 30, 2004
It looks like the poll reveals a healthy degree of pessimism. I figure the November midterms are a sort of "last chance" before the Liar-Whoremonger-Traitor-Bigot-in-Chief drives us toward civil war and the end of the Republic. He has been doing things so consistent with the signs we've had since "Apprentice" and "Birther" that are so far-fetched and outrageous that we would not have anticipated them earlier, but then the signs of collusion and collaboration were on the wall -- and seen that way -- since late 2015.

If control doesn't revert to the Democrats in November, people will be changing their "RESIST!" stickers to "OVERTHROW!" -- until they're arrested by the wrong local police, in the wrong jurisdiction. But then, what constitutes the illegally inflammatory in contrast to Free Speech?

What are we going to do if the Dems don't at least take back the House? And how is it that ANYONE has a right to discuss Michael McFaul's "possible" interrogation by Russians? There is no legal basis for that, and McFaul should vehemently refuse.

This country has gone stark, raving mad. Those farmers out in Trumpie-Land, so concerned about the impacts of Trump tariffs and testifying today before Congress, probably will deserve everything that happens to them.

Personally, and unlike my liberal legislators, I don't care anymore what happens to the ignorant flyover shithole Filth. They aren't Americans -- they're Space-Invader-Trash. I just want our government wrested from the hands of these Traitors.

And I'd like to see all the Traitors hang -- PUBLICLY. Then -- they can have a fair trial, too.
Aug 11, 2008
Sounds a little Christianphobic. I understand, especially if one is an atheist. However, I must ask, other than your view of his Christian beliefs, what would make him dangerous? I don't recall him having any sort of scandalous life, and from what I know he's been a good family man. I think he's generally more honest than Trump, but he's still a politician...so there's that. We will never have perfection that pleases everyone. That's a utopia we'll never find.

Underneath, their policies are quite similar on a lot of things: anti-abortion, anti-gay, gun "rights", probably both racist and anti-poor as well. However, I think Trump is more dangerous because of his attacks on the media and his foreign "policy" which seems to consist of sucking up to genocidal dictators and offending our traditional allies.

For a long time, I too thought Pence was more dangerous, but I have changed my mind on that. I dont think his policies could be any more destructive, and he does not have the charisma and unshakable base that Trump has. I hate to say it, but Trump does have a lot of charisma, in a twisted, evil sort of way. And the confrontational, name calling, offensive tweets and comments do appeal to a lot of people who are tired of "political correctness."
Aug 11, 2008
Well, truth be known, I think most people vote to keep one, or the other from becoming president. It's not always an act of affection. In my case, it certainly wasn't. I didn't like either one of them very much, nor their character,or integrity. My vote was cast for the one who had some policies I agreed with and I wanted to try the "businessman" approach to running the country. My son jokes that he voted for Trump, just to see the world burn. lol
How is that "businessman" working out for you?
Aug 11, 2008
Nothing good, or bad, lasts forever. Change is made through votes. I used to think he'd get reelected, but now I'm convinced he won't. Especially after the shit show with Putin. I think he just handed control of congress back to the democrats, on a silver platter. Presidents will come and go. We must realize that our real, enduring battle, is going to be with what kind of congress we have. They ultimately make our laws and choose to either follow them, or ignore them, depending on who, and how much money is in their pockets.
I am just the opposite, unfortunately. When he got elected, I thought there was no way this guy wins a second term. Now I see the blind allegiance of his base, (including the evangelicals supporting someone who has the least christian attitudes of anyone I have ever seen), and his effectiveness at demeaning his critics and the media (fake news), and the inability of the Dems to come up with an appealing mainstream candidate, and I think the chances are at least 50% that he will be re-elected. It really depends on the Dems finding a candidate that can appeal the the mainstream, and whether or not Trump makes a (another) major gaffe like the Putin thing close enough to the election that it is still fresh in voter's minds.
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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
How is that "businessman" working out for you?

Hey, let's not be too harsh on compuwiz1. We may disagree with him on numerous points, but unlike some of the conservatives on this forum, he's willing to change his mind and acknowledge that Trump has to go. One of the hardest things to do is to let go of deeply held beliefs to accept unpleasant truths, and we need more of that if the Trump regime is going to be removed from power.
Feb 4, 2009
Hey, let's not be too harsh on compuwiz1. We may disagree with him on numerous points, but unlike some of the conservatives on this forum, he's willing to change his mind and acknowledge that Trump has to go. One of the hardest things to do is to let go of deeply held beliefs to accept unpleasant truths, and we need more of that if the Trump regime is going to be removed from power.

I agree him& PCGeek are coming around and it’s tough to admit being wrong.
Add Glenn to the list too.


Oct 15, 1999
It looks like the poll reveals a healthy degree of pessimism. I figure the November midterms are a sort of "last chance" before the Liar-Whoremonger-Traitor-Bigot-in-Chief drives us toward civil war and the end of the Republic. He has been doing things so consistent with the signs we've had since "Apprentice" and "Birther" that are so far-fetched and outrageous that we would not have anticipated them earlier, but then the signs of collusion and collaboration were on the wall -- and seen that way -- since late 2015.

If control doesn't revert to the Democrats in November, people will be changing their "RESIST!" stickers to "OVERTHROW!" -- until they're arrested by the wrong local police, in the wrong jurisdiction. But then, what constitutes the illegally inflammatory in contrast to Free Speech?

What are we going to do if the Dems don't at least take back the House? And how is it that ANYONE has a right to discuss Michael McFaul's "possible" interrogation by Russians? There is no legal basis for that, and McFaul should vehemently refuse.

This country has gone stark, raving mad. Those farmers out in Trumpie-Land, so concerned about the impacts of Trump tariffs and testifying today before Congress, probably will deserve everything that happens to them.

Personally, and unlike my liberal legislators, I don't care anymore what happens to the ignorant flyover shithole Filth. They aren't Americans -- they're Space-Invader-Trash. I just want our government wrested from the hands of these Traitors.

And I'd like to see all the Traitors hang -- PUBLICLY. Then -- they can have a fair trial, too.
You should read what you've written here. I mean really read it.
Jul 9, 2009
The beginning of the end of President Trump began on the day he was conceived. Once that happened it's inevitable that his end was on the way. No one gets out alive.


May 19, 2011
Not to worry Comrades! Orders from Mother Russia will be coming soon that The Donald can talk tough about Russia as long as he doesn't actually do anything. The message will be that Putin is still our friend, but His Orangness will be able to look like the tough guy again and all his followers will be appeased, all the while Mother Russia will still be able to control the direction of American Politics. Now that the next stage of our plan has been enacted there is no way to know that we are the ones funding the political campaigns, so Americans can stay happy in their willful ignorance and pretend that everything is A-Ok.

Maybe they'll arrange some WWE-style encounters to keep his supporters entertained/believing.


Nov 11, 1999
You should read what you've written here. I mean really read it.

I have to agree with you. Trump voters aren't the enemy. They're just people who have been ruthlessly propagandized & manipulated for at least 25 years.
Jul 9, 2009
I have to agree with you. Trump voters aren't the enemy. They're just people who have been ruthlessly propagandized & manipulated for at least 25 years.
I have to agree with you. Hillary supporters were just stupid people that have been ruthlessly propagandized and manipulated for the last 40+ years.


Nov 11, 1999
I have to agree with you. Hillary supporters were just stupid people that have been ruthlessly propagandized and manipulated for the last 40+ years.

Yeh, and it'll all trickle down some time RSN. It's not hedge fund ownership, automation & financialized Capitalism beating them down, it's the moochers, the gun grabbers, the baby killers, the illegal browns & the Godless soshulists destroying their way of life.

Oh, and coal jobs are coming back. You betcha. Tax cuts for the uber wealthy will bring on the MAGA. And Obama was a pussy towards Russia, but Donald is tough on Russia! His lips were like sandpaper on Putin's knob.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The only question is what Republican congressmen are willing to tolerate from Trump in order to impeach. Speaking out against him means nothing in the long run.


Oct 15, 1999
I have to agree with you. Trump voters aren't the enemy. They're just people who have been ruthlessly propagandized & manipulated for at least 25 years.
The left is every bit as guilty. Spend long enough telling people how stupid and backwards they are and eventually they're going to get tired of hearing it.
The smugly superior routine has backfired, the left enjoyed pointing out how superior they are, and lost most states, then they lost the house and the senate, now they've lost the White House, next will be the supreme court. How much do you guys have to lose before you realize the message isn't working? At what point will you realize that most people don't like being sneered at and will retaliate? Every time you lose you blame everyone but yourselves, then double down on attacking all those stupid people in the next election. As a group, you've embraced an attitude that's exclusionary and insulting, and convinced yourselves that it's the only way to beat the ignorant masses.
The democrats used to have a pretty good platform, but it's been lost in anger, accusations, and splinter groups. The message today is hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump supporters, outrage and blame. The party can do better, the dems can take congress in November if they get their act together and come up with a platform that isn't "stop the ignorant fools".


Feb 15, 2002
The left is every bit as guilty. Spend long enough telling people how stupid and backwards they are and eventually they're going to get tired of hearing it.
The smugly superior routine has backfired, the left enjoyed pointing out how superior they are, and lost most states, then they lost the house and the senate, now they've lost the White House, next will be the supreme court. How much do you guys have to lose before you realize the message isn't working? At what point will you realize that most people don't like being sneered at and will retaliate? Every time you lose you blame everyone but yourselves, then double down on attacking all those stupid people in the next election. As a group, you've embraced an attitude that's exclusionary and insulting, and convinced yourselves that it's the only way to beat the ignorant masses.
The democrats used to have a pretty good platform, but it's been lost in anger, accusations, and splinter groups. The message today is hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump supporters, outrage and blame. The party can do better, the dems can take congress in November if they get their act together and come up with a platform that isn't "stop the ignorant fools".
And that is exactly what right-wing media has been telling it's followers for years, that the Left thinks they're stupid and backwards and you believe it. They've done their work and you gulped it up and believe it as well.
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Oct 15, 1999
And that is exactly what right-wing media has been telling it's followers for years, that the Left thinks they're stupid and backwards and you believe it. They've done their work and you gulped it up and believe it as well.
Read through this forum, read the words you just posted, look at the political landscape. If you can't see it that's not an issue for me.
The only thing the Dems have going for them is Trumps compulsive need to self destruct.


Nov 11, 1999
The left is every bit as guilty. Spend long enough telling people how stupid and backwards they are and eventually they're going to get tired of hearing it.
The smugly superior routine has backfired, the left enjoyed pointing out how superior they are, and lost most states, then they lost the house and the senate, now they've lost the White House, next will be the supreme court. How much do you guys have to lose before you realize the message isn't working? At what point will you realize that most people don't like being sneered at and will retaliate? Every time you lose you blame everyone but yourselves, then double down on attacking all those stupid people in the next election. As a group, you've embraced an attitude that's exclusionary and insulting, and convinced yourselves that it's the only way to beat the ignorant masses.
The democrats used to have a pretty good platform, but it's been lost in anger, accusations, and splinter groups. The message today is hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump, hate Trump supporters, outrage and blame. The party can do better, the dems can take congress in November if they get their act together and come up with a platform that isn't "stop the ignorant fools".

Your persecution complex is showing. You pay more attention to what right wing media says about Libs than what Libs actually are saying. I'll grant that some have become just as strident as the Right but "Fuck your feelings" hasn't become a Dem slogan.

Trump & the GOP are the kings of wedge issues & have been since Gingrich. You know, the issues that set conservative white America against the rest of America. It's all FUD, of course.

I mean, wtf do you think? That the Putin/Trump message is better for this country than the Libs' message? Do you think that our own right wing lootocracy hasn't messed with people's minds for a long time so that they could divide & profit?


Oct 15, 1999
Your persecution complex is showing. You pay more attention to what right wing media says about Libs than what Libs actually are saying. I'll grant that some have become just as strident as the Right but "Fuck your feelings" hasn't become a Dem slogan.

Trump & the GOP are the kings of wedge issues & have been since Gingrich. You know, the issues that set conservative white America against the rest of America. It's all FUD, of course.

I mean, wtf do you think? That the Putin/Trump message is better for this country than the Libs' message? Do you think that our own right wing lootocracy hasn't messed with people's minds for a long time so that they could divide & profit?
Well, at least you have an opinion and a strategy. It appears to be failing miserably, but maybe you just need to work harder at whatever it is. Note I said whatever it is. What is the DNC platform? I listen to liberal radio 5 days a week, in the last 3 months I haven't heard anything but "Trump has to go".
I'd actually like to see a more moderate group in power. But that group has to have something other than "anyone but Trump". Both party's used that one in 16 and look where it got us. Do you want 4 more years of Trump? I don't, but that's sure as hell what we're going to end up with if the DNC doesn't get it together.