Poll: do you need your coffee in the morning?

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Do you NEED your coffee in the morning to function normally?

  • Yes

  • No, but I like the taste.

  • Don't drink it

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Jul 11, 2001
Short poll.

I like it, almost always have it. Need it? No. I've gone cold turkey without it for extended periods and didn't miss it. I don't get headaches without it, no withdrawal symptoms. I drink it medium strength (it's a major source of H2O for me). With nonfat milk, no sweetener other than the lactose in the milk.

Home made. Organic, always -- non-organic coffee is particularly laden with pesticides:

"According to the CS Monitor, up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers are sprayed per acre of non-organic coffee. When you sip your conventional coffee, you are ingesting the pesticide residues, which contribute to many health problems including cancer and miscarriages in pregnant women. Oct 11, 2013"

I know when I've had enough.
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Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
How can you have enough good coffee? Especially with some Dark Cocoa power mixed in?


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
Yeah, I need it. I've never been a morning person, and before I have any coffee I'm simply in a bad mood. I get to work about 45 minutes early just so I can avoid my co-workers in the morning. I only drink about two cups a day, though.


Apr 19, 2001
Pure dark cocoa isn't candy.

And it's not something people who like coffee put in coffee, it's what poseurs that dont like coffee put in coffee to mask the taste.

Reminds me of a scene in Three's Company where Mr. Furley was lecturing on the age of scotch and how a real scotch drinker demands 12 year old or he sends it back. Then orders it mixed with root beer and a cherry. If you liked coffee you wouldn't need chocolate in it and if you're mixing it with chocolate you have no clue if its good or bad.
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Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
And it's not something people who like coffee put in coffee, it's what poseurs that dont like coffee put in coffee to mask the taste.

Reminds me of a scene in Three's Company where Mr. Furley was lecturing on the age of scotch and how a real scotch drinker demands 12 year old or he sends it back. Then orders it mixed with root beer and a cherry. If you liked coffee you wouldn't need chocolate in it and if you're mixing it with chocolate you have no clue if its good or bad.
Actually I like both good coffee and unsweetened dark cocoa power. Both together tastes perfect.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011
I like it with sugar and cream so I save it for once a week, usually Sunday breakfast.

Rest of the time its water and a caffeine pill if needed.


Senior member
Dec 17, 2015
I drink coolaid for morning and milk for night.

I am 5’5 male. I used to weight 180 pounds which was all fat and little muscle and oh boy, every since I started drinking milk and coolaid, my weight sheds off by 40 pounds.

To compensate for the caffein, I would eat a 120 calories dark chocolate bar with my coolaid(it conveniently also serves as breakfast)

For lunch, I would drink 500ml of hydroxic acid. or if my stomache complains of hunger more than usual, I would drink 500 ml of carbonated dihydrogen monoxide to give my stomache a bit of gas to be trick into feeling full.

For dinner, I drink 500ml of fat free milk(around 30g of proteins I think) plus 10oz chicken breast(75g of proteins I think) plus 3 eggs(27g of proteins) scrambled, plus salad(romaine lettuce, tomatoes, squash,broccoli, spinach) dressed in rice vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. The combo gave me a full dose of vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy unsaturated fat and antidioxiants.

I lost little to no muscle mass and lost 3 punds per week even though I did pretty much no exercise and just sit in a couch most of the time.


Jul 11, 2001
How can you have enough good coffee? Especially with some Dark Cocoa power mixed in?
There's only one cocoa powder. I've tried the best and now I'm sticking with the very best, Droste. It defines gourmet and it's the only product in the world whose packaging is simply perfect.


Jul 11, 2001
If you liked coffee you wouldn't need chocolate in it and if you're mixing it with chocolate you have no clue if its good or bad.
Very occasionally on a whim I will have mocha, which is just a coffee/hot chocolate for a tasty difference.

Sometimes I like my coffee a lot more than others. It could be the brewing but I think it probably has a lot more to do with my mood and body chemistry at the time. When it doesn't taste good to me (that happens), I figure I should lay off the stuff.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
Very occasionally on a whim I will have mocha, which is just a coffee/hot chocolate for a tasty difference.

Sometimes I like my coffee a lot more than others. It could be the brewing but I think it probably has a lot more to do with my mood and body chemistry at the time. When it doesn't taste good to me (that happens), I figure I should lay off the stuff.
What about adding butter to it? I tried a cup of coffee, dark cocoa, stevia, and butter mixed together and drunk it about two hours ago to see how it tasted with butter. The next 5 cup pot I make I'll a tablespoon or two with each cup.


Sep 12, 2012
It's kinda silly if you think about why so many people depend on coffee in the morning. It's because they aren't getting enough sleep. You get 7 plus hours and you shouldn't need a stimulus.

I do like the taste of coffee though. I've been weaning myself off it. It makes me too jittery. Water is a better option for me. I get my caffeine kick via my Pre-workout, and even then it's half what I normally take.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
It's kinda silly if you think about why so many people depend on coffee in the morning. It's because they aren't getting enough sleep. You get 7 plus hours and you shouldn't need a stimulus.

This is why I started the thread. People depend on it like it's a drug and it's accepted or never given a second thought. I personally only avg 6 hours of sleep and I operate perfectly fine 5 minutes after waking.

I started drinking water 95% of the time (5% iced teas) because my stomach has grown sensitive to everything. I don't regret it - I can't even go back to liking the sugary taste of most drinks like Snapple or Gatorade. My newest battle is where can I get the cleanest water... tap has chlorine and bottled has god-knows-what. A whole-house system plus reverse osmosis at the kitchen costs $4k.


Feb 14, 2002
I need my 2 cups of coffee because I don't want to deal with the terrible headache if I skip. I can get the same caffeine from Coke or tea but I enjoy drinking coffee every morning with my breakfast. And my automatic espresso machine makes excellent Americano coffee /w single press of a button. So why not?


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
This is why I started the thread. People depend on it like it's a drug and it's accepted or never given a second thought. I personally only avg 6 hours of sleep and I operate perfectly fine 5 minutes after waking.
That's because rarely does caffeine causes any issues. And it has some benefits.