POLL: Antec TruePower or SmartPower PSU?

Jan 9, 2002
I'm going to upgrade the Antec 300w PSU that came stock with my SX-1030B case 2 years ago. The goal is getting as quiet as possible- I have enough power with my current 300w unit to power my system. Should I get a 330w TruePower for $53 or a 350w SmartPower for $47? At NewEgg, the True is rated with 5 stars, the Smart with 4 stars (FWIW).


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
TruePower is especially built with quietness in mind, and has independent 3.3V and 5V lines, so you can have full output on both at the same time instead of them playing tug-of-war with a shared source (as is the case with most consumer PSU's). As a result, the combined 3.3V + 5V power of a True330 is 242W, higher than the 230W combined 3.3V + 5V of the SL350. Sounds like a good use of the extra $6 to me for those two aspects (quietness + power).

Bonus: the load regulation is tighter on the TruePower, too (specs at Antec's site if you're curious).
Jan 9, 2002
mechBgon, you rock. Thanks for your solid advice in my threads lately- I'll be ordering a TruePower off your recomendation alone. Thread closed! :)


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Good choice with the TruePower there. I have a SmartPower 300W PSU on my P4 2.53GHz and it does fine. Personally I find the entire PSU obsession a little overboard, but you can't be too careful...

Also might want to see Firingsquad's great article on this topic: Choosing The Right Power Supply.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I think it is starting to be a run away.....

I have recently did some investigations and some of these off brands have really playing with the grey area and being very deceiving on the spec numbers given.

Couple components I never skimp on...

1)Power supply (cause a flaky one can be one of the toughest things to diagnos...
2)Memory (same as above, though not as near difficult)
Jan 9, 2002
Cheaper, more powerful for the money, better/more proven name in the industry, quieter, and they're engineered for business systems like I design and build instead of gaming rigs, which is who Enermax caters to. Not my crowd. Antecs don't come in various colors either to match your m4d n30n 5ki11z. A blue power supply with gold fan grilles (wtf) does not say 'serious' to me. Take IBM's attitude and market combined with Alienware's hardware, and that's what my business is.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2002
Cheaper and more powerfull for the money? I think not 350watt for $47 ya Antec is so much better
And look its silver so its good looks cant offend you. Oh and it only puts out 31dbs so you can hardly hear it but who wants that.
Jan 9, 2002
That unit looks all fine and well (minus the tacky fan grilles), but I've had my alliances with Antec for years. Once you've had flawless performance and expectations met from one manufacturer with outstanding service if anything ever went wrong (with nothing ever has), you tend to care less about anything else on the market like I have. Until I hear some glorious praise on how Enermax units are the industry standard, are the best thing since sliced bread and that Sun Micro has signed a 10-year contract with them, I'll stay with my Antecs. My opinion, your opinion. It doesn't matter. The topic at hand here is which Antec model is the best. Feel free to start your own Antec vs. Enermax thread.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Originally posted by: DX2Player
Cheaper and more powerfull for the money? I think not 350watt for $47 ya Antec is so much better
And look its silver so its good looks cant offend you. Oh and it only puts out 31dbs so you can hardly hear it but who wants that.

Look at the photos, particularly the one showing the label. The Enermax 350W unit puts out 185W on 3.3V + 5V. The Antec SL350 has 230W and the TruePower330 has 242W.

I'm not dissing the Enermax... I'm typing this on a system with an Enermax 350W unit in it :D but I steer towards the strong side these days. The Antec 3-year warranty, and a company that actually backs it up, made it a no-brainer when I was spec'ing the systems I build at work, which are mostly like these 18 systems.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2002
Ok i give in, maybe they are better i just didnt understand the right off before. Just seems that most reviews iv read concerning the two put them at about equal.

Enermax is often the most stable, and flucuation in power is usully what does damage to the computer.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Just an FYI, I believe the 430W TruePower is going for $66 shipped from Amazon over in the hot deals forum. Minimal effort involved, just need to snag a $10 coupon from F@twallet. Checked out the rig in your sig and a 330W should be enough, but a 430W will leave no doubt and allow for upgrade headroom. Seeing as you like Antec, it might be worth the extra investment now (instead of having 2 smaller Antec's lying around in the future if you upgrade your board or CPU). Also, all the Antec True's have antec low noise technology.



Jun 16, 2000
Originally posted by: DX2Player
Ok i give in, maybe they are better i just didnt understand the right off before. Just seems that most reviews iv read concerning the two put them at about equal.

Enermax is often the most stable, and flucuation in power is usully what does damage to the computer.

I've always known Enermax as being a decent budget brand, while Antec coming in SOHO file servers and stuff, was known as being a fairly tried and true power supply. I've never have a problem with my Antec supplies, (other than my 300 which I maxed out) I like 'em alot.
Jan 9, 2002
Originally posted by: chizow
Just an FYI, I believe the 430W TruePower is going for $66 shipped from Amazon over in the hot deals forum. Minimal effort involved, just need to snag a $10 coupon from F@twallet. Checked out the rig in your sig and a 330W should be enough, but a 430W will leave no doubt and allow for upgrade headroom. Seeing as you like Antec, it might be worth the extra investment now (instead of having 2 smaller Antec's lying around in the future if you upgrade your board or CPU). Also, all the Antec True's have antec low noise technology.


Excellent thinking and hot deal spotting- I'll check that out! Didn't know Amazon sold PSUs. Killer...


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
I realize you seem pretty intent on the Antec, but there is an excellent new Enlight dual fan 420W unit @ Newegg for $46 shipped, and it has almost identical specs to the twice as expensive Antec 480W Tru-power. :)

Antec Tru-Power 480W specs here.

+5v - 38A
+3.3v - 30A
+12V - 22A
Total Output (+5v, +3.3v, +12v) - 460w

Enlight 420W specs here.

+5v - 40A
+3.3v - 30A
+12V - 18A
Total Output (+5v, +3.3v, +12v) - 436w

Just an alternative..
