**POLL** 1 Week in: attitudes about the war


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
What do you think about the war after 1 week... has your opinion changed?

I started out about as hawkish as can be, now I'm in the "war sucks, but this one is justified and necessary."


Oct 26, 2000

Sacrifice must be made but in the end New Texas will be worth it. I'm planning my ranch on my computer now.


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
the poll needs at least 1 more option:

some wars are justified and necessary, this one was premature.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
ahh de_dust, easily the most balanced CS map of all time. :)

I think war sucks, but this one is justified and necessary. 5 (votes) 100.00 (%)


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
My vote option wasn't available. :(

Anti-war, but now that it's started, it must be finished according to stated goals(elimination of WMD and removal of Saddam). To fail now would be disastrous.

da loser

Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
i think i've maintained my thoughts, war is bad, but necessary, so get it done as fast as possible. Maybe it was because i was reading soldiers for the truth and strategy page, which tried to warn of the chemical attacks and guerrilla fighting. i don't want to criticize the hawks too badly, because they needed to provide a ying to the yang of extreme anti-war folks, but i think many people (egged on by the media) got caught in the technological superiority and forgot about what war truly is, overcoming the will of another person. Overall, I think we're just as good as we thought will far less a dramatic picture the news is presenting. They say war is boring with a few moments of intensity, and i think we're just catching the intensity part.


May 13, 2002
I think war sucks, but this one is justified and necessary.
16 (votes) 61.54 (%)

just wait till the Iraqi citizens get to vote.....


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Wether the war is justified or not is a moot point, we are there and engaged. When you commit to this endevour you must win, if not all of those that have been injured or killed will have wasted there effort.

There has been some large mistakes in planning in my opinion. To much trust in our abilities to maintain a supply line that is very long and very difficult to defend. The thought that the Turks would eventually give us crossing rights and kept the ships carrying the equipment sitting stagnate for 2 weeks longer than they should have.

I have a very severe view of the "do not kill civilian" attitude. Putting our people at more risk than necessary because we are unable to tell the difference between those shooting at us and those not shooting at us is not good war strategy, this is a political thing and does not belong in the war strategy.

All of this comes of hindsite of course, but the military should have had a little better insite as to how this war was going to be fought. If Iraq uses chemicial weapons he will be the toast of the Arab and Muslum world but a war criminal to the rest of the world, further deviding the world against each other.



Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
I took the 2nd option

Personally I never thought this was going to be a quick & easy war ,maybe its the slightly different media viewpoint from here in the UK?
I hope its over with the minimium of casualties all round.
Saddam & his regime has been in power far too long already & has killed/abused his people for far too long.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2000
The US media machine is amazing, they can turn a victory into a defeat in minutes. I still support this war and feel it is justified...


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I took the 2nd option

Personally I never thought this was going to be a quick & easy war ,maybe its the slightly different media viewpoint from here in the UK?
I hope its over with the minimium of casualties all round.
Saddam & his regime has been in power far too long already & has killed/abused his people for far too long.

The military of both the US and UK have said it was not going to be quick...they keep reiterating they are surprised they are where they are now ahead of schedule....

IT is the F'ING media that has skewed this thing. They build up ppls hope and started parading their arm chair generals specualting out their arses...The comes sunday and some resistance and minor casualities in a war (funny thing :roll;) and ppl are doom and gloom....

I am not making light of casualties but if any american thought we were going to launch a ground campaign of this magnitude into the heart of the cuntry and face off against a ground force of republican guard we never faced in the first war (other then bombing their entrenchments with b52's during the lengthy air campaign) and have no casualties is an F'ing moron....


Senior member
Jan 9, 2001
All wars suck.
Some wars are justified and necessary, this one is not, mainly because it's premature, and all other options were not exhausted.

Now that this ill-advised war has been started, it must, regrettably, be played out. There is no viable exit strategy without finishing the war.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: sandorski
My vote option wasn't available. :( Anti-war, but now that it's started, it must be finished according to stated goals(elimination of WMD and removal of Saddam). To fail now would be disastrous.

I am by no means a pacifist, but everytime I hear a report of one of our soldiers getting killed, I cringe.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Christoph
All wars suck.
Some wars are justified and necessary, this one is not, mainly because it's premature, and all other options were not exhausted.

Now that this ill-advised war has been started, it must, regrettably, be played out. There is no viable exit strategy without finishing the war.

That's way to long to make an official option.


Oct 22, 2000
I still do not see or understand a clear cause for this war.

Now that it started, though, I want the Coalition forces to bring it to an end with minimum casualties as quickly as possible.


Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: joohang
I still do not see or understand a clear cause for this war.

Now that it started, though, I want the Coalition forces to bring it to an end with minimum casualties as quickly as possible.

yeah me 2...it seems that i've been mouthfed the "facts".....well, the kurds need to be freed i guess...and get one potential threat in the middle east out of the way.....i say...POTENTIAL..... :\ :confused:

but yeah since it has started...i support the troops...my cousin's there right now in the navy......i hope he comes back safely (well, he's in a ship..so i'm not THAT worries..) :)



Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
Originally posted by: joohang
I still do not see or understand a clear cause for this war.

Now that it started, though, I want the Coalition forces to bring it to an end with minimum casualties as quickly as possible.

yeah me 2...it seems that i've been mouthfed the "facts".....well, the kurds need to be freed i guess...and get one potential threat in the middle east out of the way.....i say...POTENTIAL..... :\ :confused:

but yeah since it has started...i support the troops...my cousin's there right now in the navy......i hope he comes back safely (well, he's in a ship..so i'm not THAT worries..) :)

I see bits and pieces of "maybe that's why it is needed" but that's about all.

I am neutral (more inclined towards against) about the war, but want the Coalition troops to win. Now I get annoyed by a lot of anti-war people. At least around Vancouver, it looks like bashing Bush and saying crap about the war almost became a "cool" trend.

It was really annoying today when some dude in my class for a class presentation made a remark like "I think that Bush is uneducated." and most people in class laughed. I laugh at the dude who is barely finishing off his B.A. calling a Yale graduate "uneducated."


Oct 17, 1999
Before the war, I was not convinced that invading Iraq was the right thing to do. And a week later nothing has happened to change my opinion.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
For me the question of WMD or the threat to other countries is almost irrelevant.

The 1 solid reason for the war is to free the Iraqi people of their brutal & murderous regime & Saddam.
And yes tragically that will mean some innocent civilians will be killed ,but in the long run they'll be better off.I recall that Saddam has killed upto 1million of his own people (including some of his own family).
The UN has showed over 12yrs that they couldn't do much about him!

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Bleep
Wether the war is justified or not is a moot point, we are there and engaged. When you commit to this endevour you must win, if not all of those that have been injured or killed will have wasted there effort.

There has been some large mistakes in planning in my opinion. To much trust in our abilities to maintain a supply line that is very long and very difficult to defend. The thought that the Turks would eventually give us crossing rights and kept the ships carrying the equipment sitting stagnate for 2 weeks longer than they should have.

I have a very severe view of the "do not kill civilian" attitude. Putting our people at more risk than necessary because we are unable to tell the difference between those shooting at us and those not shooting at us is not good war strategy, this is a political thing and does not belong in the war strategy.

All of this comes of hindsite of course, but the military should have had a little better insite as to how this war was going to be fought. If Iraq uses chemicial weapons he will be the toast of the Arab and Muslum world but a war criminal to the rest of the world, further deviding the world against each other.


Not everyone had hindsight. Some of us warned against this, but were shouted down with "yeah, they are gonna drop their guns and run HAHAH" Want to see how many of those threads there were? How about those crowds throwing flowers at us? Nope.

Will Bush ever admit screwing this up? No. It will be Saddams fault. To him everything is someone elses fault.