POEM is down?


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
Given that POEM is down for a bit, what else can I do with my 4770? I have MW@H and Collatz, anything else? Or should I try to see how it does with OpenCL folding?


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2000
i don't Fold, so i don't know if its worth it or not to put an HD 4770 to work on F@H...perhaps some of our Folders can chime in w/ some opinions or statistics on how the HD 4770 compares to some other GPUs at F@H.

i don't know many other compatible projects off the top of my head. you already know about MW@H and Collatz, for which the HD 4770 would be very productive...perhaps PrimeGrid?

*EDIT* - without F@H first hand experience, and going strictly off of hearsay around the DC sub-forum, i'm going to guess that it'll be more worth your while to put the GPU on something other than F@H...not b/c you can earn more PPD w/ other proects than you would w/ F@H (after all, comparing the PPD of one project to that of another's is comparing apples to oranges), but rather b/c assigning the GPU to F@H could hurt your F@H production more than it helps it (CPUs are generally better than GPUs for F@H w/ respect to PPD, and GPUs can also consume a portion of the CPU that might otherwise be more productive were it devoted to F@H, and not the GPU).
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Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Poem is back up. Looks like they were down for server maintenance.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
Thanks all :) Moo! seems to be in my future - but I think I'll run POEM for a bit more now that it is back up.

It's bio and my 4770 is pulling an eye popping (IMHO) 70-110k PPD on its best days... I like both of those things :D :cool:

Thanks also to the folks who help me tune it - dropping a CPU out of BOINC prime did the trick, definitely. The next trick would like be to run two WU at the same time, maybe next week I'll try that.

@ Sunny - I would expect the card to earn ~4-6k PPD if it could pull down an OpenCL WU. Evidently it can't, and at whatever those old, slow AMD WUs are worth (1-2K?) there is better science to be done with this guy. It would take an entire core like Poem to feed it too, but it would probably take at least four cores to get that 6K ppd, I think. GPUs are really good for F@H, actually, if you aren't running some six+ threads on your CPU. If I can get a hold of a GTX 460 for cheap in a few weeks/months, I'll probably fold full time on that in this rig...
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