Please read every word of this

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Ed Griffin ranks high on my list of most influential thinkers and writers. It is funny how the Reece Committee hearings were terminated because a staffer had a book the RNC labeled as anti-semitic. And that was the end of it. Same tricks then, same tricks now.

The problem is that it isnt half the people buying into this crap and half the people not, its that 90% simply do not know or care to know. All they know is that you're a conspiracy theorist because some voice on some controlled propaganda stream told them to say that. And that's the end of it. There is no discernment and no personal involvement in the judgement of someone's works. People just simply do not care to be informed or knowledgeable, or even actively avoid any and all instincts to become informed or knowledgeable. We are living in an era of rampant mass mind control, and most are too blind to see it.
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Jun 17, 2005
It is a nice piece of fiction, but that is all it really is. It is based on the ravings of a madman (Norman Dodd) who saw communist plots in every shadow.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2015
The Lusitania incident was one of the points raised by Eugene Debs in his speech denouncing American participation in the Great War and it led to his arrest; his speech was an opinion that cast the government's war effort in a negative light; therefore interfered with the sale of government bonds

Perhaps we fought on the wrong side in The Great War and allowing the irrationally harsh Treaty of Versailles directly lead to WWII. Look at Wilson's 14 points and realize what happened (Poland was created and a doomed League of Nations was formed)., actually about half of the points were addressed somewhat BUT like giving a greatly reduced Turkey it's independence (perhaps at the cost of all our middle eastern woes) AND dang British got the goodies, not in the spirit of Wilson's 14 points, which might have given home rule but not British acquisition. .

I'm not convinced we fought on the right side; it is true that the US was been the tail waged by the British empire for most of the first half of the 20th century. Why didn't we stay out of the Great War; There is money to be made by sewing a few lives; 38 million, a mere 100,000 Americans.

The lingering question of Pearl harbor and why it happened when there is much more evidence than presented in the rant cited by the OP and as we get more information we may paint a different picture, yes some stuff is still classified and the rant cited will claim rewritten as much of history has been rewritten to put the proper spin on it.

There enough obscured and modified holes in the real record that we will never be able to resurrect the truth but if you read to the end; some will always have doubts, doubts, always doubts.

This elephant in the corner will continue to be ignored as long as tenure is awarded in the hearts and flowers (History Departments) to those who don't stray to far from the "Just So Story" Read about the Espionage Ac t of 1917 (still in effect today) and the Sedition Act of 1918, even members of Congress were effected.

An Essay on the Liberty of the Press (1799) by George Hay said it well but when papers like the New York Times are reined in because they tried to present both sides of the story (Sedition Act of 1918) then one doubts that America will ever truly be the land of the free.


Golden Member
Jan 19, 2010
sm625 said:
The problem is that it isnt half the people buying into this crap and half the people not, its that 90% simply do not know or care to know.
Exactly right bud...... They blindly listen to OTHER PEOPLE which is not a good thing to do!!
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