Please Help Me ! - you are my only hope !


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2002
Hi All

ok, I have a lot of problems with my pc.But im not sure where I should be posting, as im not sure where the problem is exactly.....

heres my kit list

epox motherboard, kt133a chipset.
sparkle gefroce3ti200 128mb
axia chip running @1.3
512MB crucial cas 2
yamaha sw1000xg sound ccard with addon an1x synth card
maxtor d740 60 gig drive...
pus assorted bits, like web cam, modem, lan card, ernmax 450w psu etc etc

Any, I get a horrible noise issue when I access my hard drive since I fitted my GF3 the other day. Its only in the left speaker strangly enough. whilst i was waiting to get my gf back from repair, I had been using a 16mb vanta card, which never gave a problem

I am running XP, hell, its even a registered copy !!

Ive treid reinstalling the sound card drivers, the gf drivers, the via 4in1's (presently on v4.38), and direct x

I done all of this in and out of safe mode, and had norton AV disabled like the good lad that I am...

anyway. I have had problems for about 2 years. I have upgraded everything from memory, to psu, to soundcard to grapohics card, and its always the same story. everything runs fine until I put in three of more fast components, like HD, gfx, and SC. if I remove any one of the items and downgrade, it runs fine, but with all three in , it just wont play ball.

I suspect a problem with the KT133a chipset, bus mastering, or something along those lines, but I can find anyone else with the same problem, despite searching newsgroups and go-ogle ;)

- the onboard sound runs fine, the graphics are smooth, the sound card even runs fine... my hard disk is running in DMA5 and everything flies along, BUT im getting this annoying noise when ever I access my hard disk !

- why is it only out of one speaker ?!?! - it just doesnt make sense...

- ANY help will be rewarded with riches beyond belief....

thanks muchly