Planned Parenthood: Protecting the child abusers


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
An organization made 614 taped phone calls to different Planned Parenthood clinics earlier this year. They had a woman tell the person at the clinic that she was 13, thought she was pregnant by her 22-year-old boyfriend, and that she didn't want her parents or anyone else to know. 516 (80%) of the people they spoke with offered to conceal or willfully ignore that it was a felony sexual abuse situation. Laws require medical personnel to report cases of suspected child abuse, which are not superceded by laws that allow minors to have abortions or obtain birth control without parental knowledge.

The age gap of 13 and 22 is statutory rape in every state.

Here's one transcript (St. Peters, MO Planned Parenthood clinic):

Caller: I'll be 14 in March, my boyfriend's 22. My friend said that you guys would have to tell on my boyfriend if he came in.
Clinic: Would have to what?
Caller: Would have to tell on my boyfriend if he came in. Would he get in trouble if he was there with me?
Clinic: He's 22?
Caller: Yeah.
Clinic: You know what? I would not bring him in. Forget that you told me that.

Another one (Soldotna, Alaska):

Caller: Well, I'm going to be 14 next month and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents I'm getting an abortion. But my boyfriend's 22. Is that - is he old enough to take care of it and they wouldn't have to tell anybody?
Clinic: It's kind of an illegal thing for a boy who's over 21 to have sex with a girl -
Caller: Why is it illegal? I don't understand.
Clinic: It's called statutory rape.
Caller: Are you going to tell on him?
Clinic: No, I won't. But maybe when you go to the doctor you shouldn't tell them how old your boyfriend is. I think that would be better. Just - you know, maybe have a girlfriend come with you and tell them your boyfriend is 16 or something because he could get in a lot of trouble.

One clinic suggested that the caller could have her boyfriend keep a year's worth of Planned Parenthood-supplied birth control pills in his possesion so the relationship could continue in secret. Another clinic asked why the girl didn't "go out of state or something" and marry her abuser.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America president Gloria Feldt (apparently seeing nothing wrong and wanting to play the victim) said, "Their attacks are trying to damage Planned Parenthood, and also eliminate reproductive health services in this country. They'll use any tactics they can."


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Sounds like something TVC (a group I'm in) would do, although I haven't heard about it in any of the email updates, but I wouldn't be surprised.

TVC = Traditional Values Coalition


Mar 19, 2001
Planned parenthood should definately be gotten rid of... along with the DCFS and Catholic Church.... They are to dangerous for us to continue to allow in our society....

Do it for the children.....



Apr 29, 2001
my mom's in some group like that.. wonder what theyd do... a lil shady if u ask me


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
TVC = Traditional Values Coalition = Whacko Fund a Mental Case in IMO.

ACLU (The Counter to the TVC) = Taking away rights from the majority to empower the minority = looking for a dictatorship

TVC = Same Christian Ideals nation was founded on = True Patriotism


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: AZGamer
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
TVC = Traditional Values Coalition = Whacko Fund a Mental Case in IMO.

ACLU (The Counter to the TVC) = Taking away rights from the majority to empower the minority = looking for a dictatorship

TVC = Same Christian Ideals nation was founded on = True Patriotism

Well I went to the TVC website to get more information on this. It had popups and took too long to load. So I will have to concur with Red Dawn by default. :p


Oct 19, 2001
funny thing, I had this wierd premonition this thread would turn into an all out flame fest ;)



Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Got today's email brief, it's actually not TVC but another group they support called Life Dynamics.

<H3> Dynamics Exposes Planned Parenthood/Sex Predator Cover Up</H3>
Mark Crutcher?s Life Dynamics has released the results of an investigation that shows Planned Parenthood hides statutory rapists and child sexual predators from justice. Studies indicate that of pregnant girls 15 or younger, 60-80% of them are impregnated by adult men. Life Dynamics, however, has discovered that Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics routinely ignore state-mandated child abuse/statutory rape reporting laws when dealing with pregnant girls.
For more details on this scandal, go to Life Dynamics web site:



Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
TVC = Same Christian Ideals nation was founded on = True Patriotism
No, true fanatic. Religious Extremists who declare their views patriotic are just no different than Religious Extremists who declare Jihad against those who don't aggree with their mythical beliefs. If your type was to enjoy the same popularity in this society that those Blood thirsty Islamic Extremists do in their's, there is no doubt in my mind that you would be resorting to the same kind of violence as they do to force your beliefs on those who are "infidels".

Holy misleading title.
Typical of these nutcases.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2001
Ok, I have a problem with their methodology....

The caller calls in anonymously, and claims her age is 13 and her boyfriend is 22. And then Life Dynamics claims Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics routinely ignore state-mandated child abuse/statutory rape reporting laws when dealing with pregnant girls. . Does this not sound sensationalistic to anyone? What does PP have to report? That an anonymous 13 year-old caller claimed to be pregnant by her 22 y.o. boyfriend? I don't think too many agencies will take that seriously unless there's some facts to back up the claims.

Now, I don't necessarily agree with the people who recommended hiding the truth, but, on the other hand - how should they have responded? "Stay where you, I'm going to call the cops on your bf for raping you. Just stay on the line. What was your bf's address again?" Somehow, I don't think so.

I think there's something not quite right about the situation, but hardly the sensationalism that's being presented. Just my .02


Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
there is no doubt in my mind that you would be resorting to the same kind of violence as they do to force your beliefs on those who are "infidels".

Such as the Israelis apparently.

I believe you have good intentions, however I can't understand how members of organizations like it overlook the hypocrisy of their stated beliefs... It's silly really...


Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2000
So what? Honestly what in the world those this have to do with anything? Let me take a wild guess if your child was 14 and fvcking around with a 22 year old wouldn't you notice? Or are you so dense/blind/stupid to ignore a 22 year old man sniffing a 13 year old's panties?

Is it wrong fro PP to not report these occurenses? Yes it is wrong. Will it have repercusions on their business, yes it would too. PP is trying to prove that it is a safe haven where girls can resort to when they make mistakes. Some of these girls are scared, innocent and pregnant the last thing they want is their "love" in jail, or their parents on their back for this.

It is so easy to point the finger and call others names, but when you're in the position some of these PP employs are in your world would change completely.



Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Draknor
Ok, I have a problem with their methodology....

The caller calls in anonymously, and claims her age is 13 and her boyfriend is 22. And then Life Dynamics claims Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics routinely ignore state-mandated child abuse/statutory rape reporting laws when dealing with pregnant girls. . Does this not sound sensationalistic to anyone? What does PP have to report? That an anonymous 13 year-old caller claimed to be pregnant by her 22 y.o. boyfriend? I don't think too many agencies will take that seriously unless there's some facts to back up the claims.

Now, I don't necessarily agree with the people who recommended hiding the truth, but, on the other hand - how should they have responded? "Stay where you, I'm going to call the cops on your bf for raping you. Just stay on the line. What was your bf's address again?" Somehow, I don't think so.

I think there's something not quite right about the situation, but hardly the sensationalism that's being presented. Just my .02

exactly what he said!


Jan 18, 2001
Is it too much to ask for a cite?

... BUT even assuming your description is accurate, its clear that isn't a PLANNED PARENTHOOD policy.

I bet if you call 615 churches asking for counseling under the same contingencies at least some of them would agree.

Whether or not they would actually stick to the agreement is another thing entirely.



Jul 7, 2001
ACLU (The Counter to the TVC) = Taking away rights from the majority to empower the minority = looking for a dictatorship

examples please


Jul 7, 2001
FYI planned parenthood's mission is to first and foremost help people with pregnancy issues. as such, they have a vested interest in people TRUSTING them. if people start to call up and they go "sorry, no can do, we're tracing your number as we speak and your parents will have to sit in court as they hear about how your 21 year old bf did you doggy style" NOBODY would call anymore.

you're looking at the choice between statutory rape and statutory rape with a baby involved, which do you choose?


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
Religious Extremists who declare their views patriotic are just no different than Religious Extremists who declare Jihad against those who don't aggree with their mythical beliefs.

That's not the dumbest thing Red's ever said, but it's close. :eek:

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
That's not the dumbest thing Red's ever said, but it's close.
Stark trying to decipher what is dumb and what isn't here at ATOT is like a nurse trying to determine who crapped their pants in a diarrhea ward. It's all the same sh!t to him


Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Stark
Religious Extremists who declare their views patriotic are just no different than Religious Extremists who declare Jihad against those who don't aggree with their mythical beliefs.

That's not the dumbest thing Red's ever said, but it's close. :eek:

Before you go and call someone else dumb for saying that I suggest you go and read some of the sh!t on their web site. These people are about 3 steps to the right of Jerry Falwell. If these people are patriots then I guess I'll have to change my sig to an endorsement of Rev. Sharpton for President.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
vi_edit, I didn't think the title was misleading. Sensationalistic, yes, but not misleading. :)

In no way would I blame a girl in that situation. Clearly they would have been taken advantage of. Yes, they would be scared. But there is an obligation for medical personnel to report cases of child abuse, and PP will not do so. It's that simple.

draknor/DAM, I agree with you that PP's role is not to trace phone calls and report callers. But it seems obvious that, based on the fact that 80% of the clinics gave essentially similar answers (just come in, we won't do anything), nothing would be different if a girl in that position came into the office. They aren't going to report.

yamahaXS, when 80% of the clinics give the same answer, I think it's safe to conclude that's the PP policy. If it isn't, then headquarters obviously doesn't have much influence on what the clinics are doing. And to imagine they would lie on the phone about reporting it (and then do it when they come in) is outlandish. I'm sure you don't even believe that.

gopunk, the problem with this is just as the thread title said - it protects child abusers. If a 13-year-old kid gets hit by a parent and taken to a hospital, a doctor must report it. Wouldn't that also cause "problems"?

If your neighbors had a 13-year-old daughter who you knew was hooking up with an over-21 guy, you'd ignore it? If your eighth-grade kid came home from school and told you a classmate was sleeping with some guy in college, you'd ignore that too? Or are people saying this isn't child abuse, that the girl has such a right to privacy that as long as she is willing there's nothing wrong with that? Sheesh.


vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
kranky, it's sort of a double edged sword. There's a possibility that PP could get sued for release of patient confidentiality.

read a related/unrelated thread here about patient confidentiality and planned parenthood.

I see it as a no-win situation for PP either way you look at it.


Jul 7, 2001
gopunk, the problem with this is just as the thread title said - it protects child abusers. If a 13-year-old kid gets hit by a parent and taken to a hospital, a doctor must report it. Wouldn't that also cause "problems"?

well certainly... i'm sure that there are some parents that delay or don't even get health care for their child because they're afraid of getting caught for child abuse. but you have to look at the situations. if the parents are arrested, physical abuse stops. but do you think that if you arrest that one guy, that she's just going to date people her age from there on? of course not... there's a reason they were together in the first place, she'll just move on to the next guy, or visit the first guy in jail.

If your neighbors had a 13-year-old daughter who you knew was hooking up with an over-21 guy, you'd ignore it? If your eighth-grade kid came home from school and told you a classmate was sleeping with some guy in college, you'd ignore that too?

first one no, second one yes.

first one: sure, first tip the parents, then if nothing happens, anonymous tip to the police... why not? it's not like i have to worry about my reputation with other pregnant teenage girls...
second one: no... because then my kid wouldn't trust me. and i would value that a lot more than some screwed up 13 year old with some dickhead.

Or are people saying this isn't child abuse, that the girl has such a right to privacy that as long as she is willing there's nothing wrong with that? Sheesh.

sheesh what? you just made that little statement up... stop fighting with your straw men :p i'm not saying anything about privacy or whatnot... i'm just looking at the end results here.

fyi, i'm not blaming the girl, but it's not like this can happen to anybody. it takes a screwed up person to go do something weird like that.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
If your neighbors had a 13-year-old daughter who you knew was hooking up with an over-21 guy, you'd ignore it?
If I didn't know them personally I probably would. If I were like you couldn't prevent myself from sticking my nose into their business I probably would let them know anonymously.