Pentium 4 Comments


Diamond Member
May 1, 2001
A representative from Intel's Corporate Press Relations department clarified the underlying goal of the Pentium 4 with the following:

"We have been working closely with Internet software firms like Macromedia to create new technologies. Their next version of Shockwave will take advantage of powerful floating-point processors by using a frame counter to send more polygons... depending on your frame rate. Gaming and online shopping are both uses for this technology. Also a firm called Cycore has optimized their engine for Pentium 4 processor, mostly using this for online shopping. The Pentium 4 processor tends to do very well on Internet technologies such as Java and XML, as well as new usage models such as folks encoding their videos and posting them on the Net."

Online shopping? You need a 1.5GHz processor with 3.2GB/s of memory bandwidth for online shopping? What does Intel think we are? Stupid?

So I'm supposed to dump my machine so that Shockwave can display more polygons? Please, the only thing that drives new processor sales are games and high-end professional applications. Online shopping...<snicker>...


Oct 14, 1999
Ummm, XML is not about text its about flexible remote-control of applications and hardware.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
people, people...Intel is no longer run by engineers. It's all about marketing, because that's what sells. Intel is lame!


Jun 11, 2001
Awwww.... look at all the little anandtechers whining about intel. Sure the pee4 is not so great, but people at intel are far from 'stupid' as FatBurger seems to think.

Online shopping? What happens when webpages recreate 3D environments and allow people to walk around a virtual store much like they would walk around a battleground in Q3 or Unreal?

Give me a break. Some of you people are almost as bad as the morons who post on ZDnet.

Lack of vision, thats what it is.



Golden Member
May 4, 2001

That's one of Intel's biggest problems - their marketing dept. is one of the most stupid creatures on the planet.

The P4 as the &quot;center of the digital experience&quot; - please. Oh, so now I need a P4 so that my modem will go faster &amp; my downloads will be quicker?

The Intel-techs I talk to generally have a similarly &quot;low&quot; (I would say: non-existant) opionion of the marketing. The problem I see is that they try to sell the P4 pretty much the same way as the did the P3, allthewhile not having a CLUE as to what it's about. They're selling the wrong aspects of it ... I think this is one of their biggest market-misconceptions to date ...

I wonder at times how much marketing depts. talk to engineers or other people who actually have some in-depth knowledge on the subject.

The only &quot;solace&quot; as such to Intel is that it is not the only company with such idiots trying to do the &quot;selling&quot;. How that is a &quot;good&quot; thing, however, I have to figure out myself...

marketing ... lying through one's teeth without any knowledge on the subject.

Edit: DeathlyCurse:
I think this is not so much about the P4 as such or Intel - it's about the way they're (or rather: their marketing) trying to sell the P4.

Nice Processor. Abyssmal sales-pitch.

That's my thoughts on the matter :).


Jun 11, 2001
Since when did intel say the pee4 makes the &quot;internet go faster&quot;? As far as I'm concerned that stupid campaign died with the Pentium 3.

This 'Digital Universe' thing has more to do with the PC being a hub for digital devices such as cameras, pdas, and mp3 players. Just look at all the crazy devices intel sells online.

There is NOTHING in intel ads for the pee4 that suggest a faster internet connection. I don't know where people get that from.


Jun 5, 2001
LOL I love how you boys focus on the applications that dont require much cpu speed but you ignore the comment that GAMES are using the same technology.

You AMD boys are priceless LOL


Jun 5, 2001

<< Huh? Please clarify. >>

Dont take it so personally. I'm talking to the Morons who made fun of Intel's marketing people. They focused only on the web claims of Intel and they ignored the same technology in games. Games require a TON of resources and if the P4 is Optomized for them, they are going to be faster.

Just because I posted under you doesn't mean I was addressing you. Notice no quote on that post.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
Yeah, what about games? Athlon beats the P4 in gaming except for Q3... so if that's all you do on your puter, be my guest, buy a more expensive Intel product which has no upgrade path for future processors. Sounds like a deal. It's all about price/performance for me. AMD currently has a more appealling platform for the price and upgradablity.


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 1999

<< How can Intel make such (arguably) good processors with such stupid people working for them? >>

Moderator please :|

<< Athlon beats the P4 in gaming except for Q3... >>

WRONG! Ever play games like Tribes 2 or Giants? NASCAR 4? Maybe Mercedes benz truck racing? Many games run faster on P4 systems. Some don't...but please speak factually...

<< a more expensive Intel product which has no upgrade path for future processors >>

...Damn I get tired of hearing about how P4's have no upgrade path! WHO NEEDS A FREAKIN' UPGRADE PATH when your processor can run @ 2 ghz &amp; your memory bandwidth is > 3.2gb/s. :|


Jun 5, 2001

<< Yeah, what about games? Athlon beats the P4 in gaming except for Q3... so if that's all you do on your puter, be my guest, buy a more expensive Intel product which has no upgrade path for future processors. Sounds like a deal. It's all about price/performance for me. AMD currently has a more appealling platform for the price and upgradablity. >>

LOL Boy you really do live in la-la land dont ya? LOL Intel's overclocking right now of their higher end P4s can outstrip most AMDs beause they tend to top off at 1.4-1.5. Intel can hit 2ghz right now and thats faster than a 1.6AMD. I know, I benched mine against a friend's :D


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
&quot;Lack of vision, thats what it is.&quot;

Probably the best statement I've seen in a long time. Sometimes people here only focus on today's games, and today's internet, and today's apps. Very little is about &quot;today.&quot;

&quot;How can Intel make such (arguably) good processors with such stupid people working for them?&quot;

And conversely, this is probably the worst statement I've seen in a long time. Not a good start for your very first post, kid. My guess is that this guy has no clue what it takes to design and build a cpu. By the way, how many people do you know that work at Intel, and if the answer is &quot;none&quot;, what makes you an expert on how &quot;stupid&quot; they are?

Personally, I know a lot of Intel employees. And it amazes me every single day, how much 'brain power' surrounds me. I just don't get how they come up with the things they do.

&quot;upgrade path&quot;

Heh, this is my current soapbox... People talk about how AMD is going to stick with Socket A for a while, as if that's some incentive. I'm guessing it's because they assume they can buy a setup today, and in 6-12 months just replace the cpu. Well, think of it this way. Had you purchased a top of the line motherboard 12 months ago, you wouldn't be using it with a top Tbird today. Even if you had purchased the motherboard six months ago, you'd still be much better off getting a new motherboard. I have no doubt the same will be true in six months from now, especially if the SIS and nForce chipsets pan out.

And frankly, I can't even imagine how a current motherboard would work very well (if at all) with a .13um cpu, when those eventually come around. Even though AMD has intentions of making their .13um cpu's work on the current Socket A, I'd be real surprised if it happened with any success.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
Points well taken, I'll have to eat my words about performance. But what you fail to realize is the price/preformance difference. Athlon 1.4 cheapest is $177 P4 1.7 is $326. Cheapest RDRAM PC800 is $142 for 256MB, Cheapest DDR RAM is $52... Good Motherboard Asus P4T $177, Epox $130

P4 Base: $645
Athlon Base: $359

delta: $290

Almost $300 difference is pretty big. You cannot tell me that your rigs are 44% faster then an Athlon. If so, I'd like to see some proof.


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2000
pentium 4's don't always overclock that well. a friend of mine works at a &quot;real&quot; computer store (as opposed to the college computer store i work at) and he and the manager oc'd about 10 pentium 4's at night. 1 out of 4 1.7's hit 2.0 gHz, and only 2 out of 6 1.5's hit 1.8. that isn't such a good yield. the pentium iv might be fast, but it is ineffecient and expenive. yeah, that 2.0 gHz p iv might beat a 1.6 gHz Athlon, but a 1.6 gHz Athlon would blow a 1.6 gHz p iv away for less money.



Diamond Member
Dec 16, 1999

<< But what you fail to realize is the price/preformance difference... >>

Wrong again. I realize AMD wins the price/performance crown. That is ALL that matters to many. Not me. There are other factors I take into consideration before making a purchase...


Jun 5, 2001

<< Points well taken, I'll have to eat my words about performance. But what you fail to realize is the price/preformance difference. Athlon 1.4 cheapest is $177 P4 1.7 is $326. Cheapest RDRAM PC800 is $142 for 256MB, Cheapest DDR RAM is $52... Good Motherboard Asus P4T $177, Epox $130

P4 Base: $645
Athlon Base: $359

delta: $290

Almost $300 difference is pretty big. You cannot tell me that your rigs are 44% faster then an Athlon. If so, I'd like to see some proof.

Price? OF COURSE amd wins! It has won that war since the beginning.

And no I wont ever say my rig is 44% faster. But its faster :D

Like fkloster said, there are MANY more variables than price. HEAT is huge for me.
I like the fact that Intel will automatically clock down if it gets too hot. I like the fact it wont burn up in less than 2 seconds if the fan goes out. I like the factthat I never have to worry about Via Chipsets which is practically a requirement for AMD chips. I like the compatability of Intel.

There are many reasons not to buy AMD for some people.


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
Wow. Talk about getting off the main point and getting into another classis AMD/Intel war. Oh well. BTW, to the person who said that mithrandir just focused on the &quot;silly&quot; portion of the statement and ignored the &quot;gaming&quot; part, look up.

<< Please, the only thing that drives new processor sales are games and high-end professional applications. >>

The point here (at least it is for me) is that Intel's marketing folk don't know how to sell the chip. Aside from tech-savvy folk who know the in's and out's of the chip, what layman is going to shell out cash for a P4 system because he was told that it works &quot;very well on Internet technologies&quot;? Chances are his current system does all he needs online, and he'll decide against it.

And to all the posters who insisted on making childish remarks, don't worry, your immaturity shows through. Pat yourselves on the back for using &quot;morons&quot; as frequently as possible. If you have to prove someone wrong, do it intelligently like Wingznut did. But that might be asking too much.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2000
haha another flame war. In my opinion, Athlon is the CPU for today, and the P4 is for tommorrow. The P4 runs the current software perfectly fine like the Athlon.

The only thing most people care about is the price. Both cpu is way ahead of software now.

Getting a P4 is for prestige. Just like getting a Mercede Benz.