
Junior Member
Mar 23, 2005
just received my dell x50 pda a replacement and having basically the same problem as before where I can get out tapping the screen before getting into my operating system how long does it take before I can get into the menu of the operating system are there any tricks or quicker ways to do this.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Hello Newbie!

Little tip to start you on the right foot.
Your paragraph structure has to be a little better. Else folks are going to look at your post and refuse to help just on principle. Try punctuation.

I need to know what OS the x50 uses. Is it Windows Mobile 2002 or 2003?
What is the speed of your proccessor?
Do you have an icon in the 'settings' section for advanced settings?
If so make sure performance is set to maximum.
On my Asus A620 the 3 different settings change between 400MHz, 200MHz and 100MHz to help conserve battery power.
If your battery is getting weak it may default to a lower speed.
Also, under a tab in the same settings, you may be able to enable or disable caching. Try changing it to see if your boot speed improves.