Panasonic PV-V4611 4-Head Hi-Fi Stereo VCR 69.88 Amazon hot or not


May 24, 2001
Panasonic PV-V4611 4-Head Hi-Fi Stereo VCR 69.88 Amazon free shipping. bestbuy has it on sale now for 89.99. mixed consumer opinions out there, some say it's excellent, some say it's the worst vcr. i'm willing the take the risk and ordering one, good luck


Senior member
Dec 7, 2001
Its a very good VCR. Panasonic and JVC make the best. JVC has an edge on the higher end models (SVHS), but for the under $100 VHS ones Panasonic evens things out.

As for this deal, its a good price with the free shipping, but nothing unusual. My CC had them for about this much. I'm sure the online NYC shops have them for less. Maybe get Amazon to PM if the do that, or use blue to get the PM.


Aug 2, 2000
I just bought a SVHS JVC VCR and I must say I really hate it. I'm not talking about the recording or viewing quality, but features. The universal remote requires that you hold down the device key (like TV) and press the function (such as channel up) at the same time to operate other devices with the remote (talk about dumb, a two handed remote). Also the "glow keys" are only 6 buttons on the whole remove. (play, stop, rewind, forward, pause, and record). No way your going to be able to see the other buttons in the dark.

There doesn't seem to be a battery backtup for the settings! Lost power for 10 minutes and it forgot the time and all settings. Also the rewind is slow when pressed during play mode. Overall I really hate this VCR.

IMHO avoid JVC VCR's at all cost.


Mar 6, 2001
Must say panasonic makes the best VCRs
Had my VCR since 93 with no problems.

Consumer Reports seems to rate them (as well as many other companies) and the champios of reliability

I say its pretyt good - but you can look around - in local stores such as the WIZ in NY - when they are on clearance
you can get them for that much or less - and now a days it seems they have a clearance once per month

Best Buy and Sears have had decent prices on them



Mar 6, 2001
Must say panasonic makes the best VCRs
Had my VCR since 93 with no problems.

Consumer Reports seems to rate them (as well as many other companies) and the champios of reliability

I say its pretyt good - but you can look around - in local stores such as the WIZ in NY - when they are on clearance
you can get them for that much or less - and now a days it seems they have a clearance once per month

Best Buy and Sears have had decent prices on them



Senior member
Dec 7, 2001

<< I'm not talking about the recording or viewing quality, but features. >>

Speaking of features (I have a JVC SVHS), is there a channel flashback? I hate having to re-enter the channel every time when I'm flipping between shows. And then there are the times whe you are into something, then flip over to channel ?? to see whats on there, and forget what channel the show you were watching was on.

Nice player/recorder, BAD user interface. Having said to sell yours? I need an SVHS player for a A/V studio I'm setting up at church. PM me if you are interested.


Mar 11, 2001
I have JVC SVHS VCR. I do not like it either. I second the remote opinion. Tracking is really lousy. My old Mitsu U52 played purchased tapes better. I barely use it these days, except for kids tapes.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Panasonic VCRs have great picture quality and features. Yes you could pay A LOT more for a "pro-consumer" level VCR (around $899) but why do that when you can buy a new TiVo or ReplayTV for that kinda cash?


Senior member
Sep 26, 2000
I was never fond of Panny VCRs because of their being short on features. The ones I owned missed necessary features such as channel flashback (that DougyDanger mentioned above). But for $70, I guess you can't ask for too much.

I like RCA's ergonomics best. Sony is a distant second.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Must say panasonic makes the best VCRs >>

<< Panasonic VCRs have great picture quality and features. >>

I'm sorry to report those are things of the past. I recently bought this exact model VCR and it was a complete and utter disappointment. I quickly returned it for a refund (there were also 3 other open box PV-V4611's at BB) and bought a Samsung VR9160. The Samsung has a ton more useful features and overall works better. My absolute biggest complaint about the Panasonic is the rew/ff is extremely loud (It makes you want to stick Delta fans in your ears!). To make it even worse, it doesn't even rew/ff that fast. The Samsung is a great deal quieter yet it rew/ff's over twice as fast.

I'm not even sure the Panasonic is actually made by Panasonic. When I opened it up (yes, I'm a nerd!) the only name I found in it was Sanyo. When I opened the Samsung, I actually found their name in it. In the past I really really liked Panasonic products but their recent products just plain suck. A few months ago I bought a Panasonic TV that has some issues. I think most current Panasonic products should never have left the factory. They obviously didn't even look over the products before pushing them out the door. I mean, come on, the buttons on my TV remote are labeled wrong!

So overall I would say this is not hot. If you want a good VCR get the Samsung VR9160 (also available from Amazon).