Panasonic plasma 58pz700, get pannie bluray player for $73


Senior member
Jun 6, 2001
Ok this deal has been on again off again there for a while. I think this is a pannie promo but I havent been able to find anywhere else.

58pz700u for 3399

for 3399 it includes the mount, bluray player and shipping.

3399 is a pretty good price for this plasma to begin with, getting a ~400 dollar bluray player for free is a nice touch.

I personally went for the Kuro, but at over 1200 dollar premium, I think I would have been just as happy with this deal. Saw it a few weeks back at 3499, but I wasnt ready to make a move. By the time i was it disappeared from their site.

In the latest htmag, kuro came out on top of the whole comparison, but the main editor actually picked the pannie 1st place. (50pz750u)

I can vouch for vanns reliability as well. I ordered a 60a3000 from them b4 xmas, but there was a problem with the screen and they took it back no questions asked. Refund took less than a week.