Palin's baby her own - but, daughter pregnant at 17.

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Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2008
Originally posted by: shira
I find myself curious about Sarah Palin's reaction to Bristol's pregnancy. This is the Palin who said, shortly after her Down Syndrome child, Trig, was born,

. . . we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place.

Which makes me wonder: Since God appears to be very active in creating babies and deciding into whose wombs they'll go, does that mean that God placed a baby in Bristol's womb? And if so, how come pre-marital sex is a problem. I mean, a baby's going to get made only if God creates it. And if God creates it, it must be a blessing.


You're trying to fight religious stupidity with logic?

Good luck with that mate. :)


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Perknose

She either acted to conceal the pregnancy of her daugther from the monent she first knew about it or the Republican Party hierarchy taksed with vetting her are a bunch of eaily clowned dufi who somehow never vetted her immediate family~!!

I've seen some pictures of the acceptance ceremony that didn't make the media that day, only a fool would have looked at the daughter & not realized she was pregnant.

Everyone forgets McCain is famous for making these kind of picks, the dude really is a maverick.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: Perknose

She either acted to conceal the pregnancy of her daugther from the monent she first knew about it or the Republican Party hierarchy taksed with vetting her are a bunch of eaily clowned dufi who somehow never vetted her immediate family~!!

I've seen some pictures of the acceptance ceremony that didn't make the media that day, only a fool would have looked at the daughter & not realized she was pregnant.

Everyone forgets McCain is famous for making these kind of picks, the dude really is a maverick.
The Maverick and the Milf :thumbsup::laugh:

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: deftron

His myspace got found (now private)

In that little questionaire thing he answered:

Children: I don?t want kids

What 17-18 yr old guy does? Now he's fucked and he has to marry that little Princess because if he doesn't he'll have to deal with Mother Palin and she's not one to mess with, just ask her ex BIL or his boss.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
God I'm tired of this shit...

We're linking to my space pages now?

Oh yeah part of that hope and change they have been talking about.
Funny that even Obama says this is off limits but they continue.


Golden Member
Nov 17, 1999
Comon the real funny is the poll at the end of the article.... Does Levi Johnson deserve hell? LOL WTF?!?!


Aug 23, 2007
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
you twits are going after a woman
A woman who wants rape victims to bear their rapist's child.

because she thinks that babies shouldn't be murdered because of the sins of their father?

While I generally choose not to get in the abortion debate with a 'side', I sometimes comment on the logic of the positions of either side.

I do think that it's more intellectualy consistent for pro-life people to oppose abortion in the case of rape, than to support it, even though there's a political price.

If you believe that the fetus is a human being deserving protection, then the fact the child was fathered by rape does not outweigh the additional pain for the mother of carrying it.

The mother can be relieved of the care of the child, with adoption, or I'd think the state could easily justify special assistance to guarantee her right not to have to raise the child.

The logic of a pro-life person saying the issue with the abortion is the murder of a human being but that the mother's suffering from carrying a rapist's child justifies the murder of an innocent human being is lacking, IMO. It seems more a political compromise to say such exceptions are ok.

The logic of the pro-choice person who believes that the woman's right to choose abortion is paramount is, of course, not challenged by the fact it was a rape, and they are logically consistent when they continue to support her right to choose abortion. Incest raises other issues not in this thread.

I agree. If abortion is murder, it's murder. If it's OK in case of rape or incest, it's not really murder.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Gand1
Comon the real funny is the poll at the end of the article.... Does Levi Johnson deserve hell? LOL WTF?!?!

Heh, if you read the thing you'll see they are mocking his would-be attackers.

While 17-year-old Levi Johnston may seem like a good kid, People You?ll See In Hell is insightful enough to dig below the surface of this callow youth.

Levi Johnston lives in Wasilla, Alaska. The young man still lives with his parents while going to Wasilla High School as a Senior.

Despite his youth, Levi Johnston already has had several run-ins with the law. Alaska state troopers cited Levi on the 15th of July, 2007 for snagging a king salmon in the waters of Moose Creek - a creek which had been closed to king salmon fishing.

This flagrant display of disrespect towards the laws of the state of Alaska gives us a hint as to just how evil Levi Johnson really is, despite the fact that he somehow managed to make his $370 bail. And just how did Mr. Levi Johnston get that $370 anyways?

Probably by selling crack to 4-year-olds.

A bigger hint about the depths of this guy?s evil is that Levi Johnston was having sex with a girl who was just 4 years old at one point in her life.

Levi Johnston playing hockeySure, she was 16 when Levi Johnston and his victim really started going at it, and yeah, the age of consent in Alaska is 16 - but come on, you know he totally pushed her into doing it.

Teenage girls in Alaska don?t want to have sex with ruggedly attractive older teenagers who play varsity hockey on the school team and used to play on a youth team with their older brother. They don?t like it at all.

On his MySpace page, Levi Johnston freely admits his ignorance and his interest in randomly assaulting total strangers:

I?m a fuckin? redneck, but I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin? chillin? I guess. Ya fuck with me I?ll kick ass.

According to the details on his MySpace page, Levi Johnston states:

Status: In a Relationship
Here for: Friends
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: WASILLA
Body type: 5' 8? / Athletic
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Children: I don?t want kids
Education: High school

It?s especially interesting that Levi Johnston freely admits that he doesn?t want kids.

Mr. Johnston didn?t pay much attention to the condom/banana exhibition in health class evidently, as the teenage girl he was having sex with is now, according to media reports, pregnant.

Wonderful, isn?t it? Kids, having kids.

Making matters worse is the fact that Levi Johnston apparently feels that his staying around to ?raise the baby? and ?marry the girl? is going to make things better. Levi is a bit confused, you see. Life isn?t an afterschool special. You can?t just go off, have sex with your teenage girlfriend, get her pregnant, marry her and live happily ever after.

Of course, the mother of the child impregnated by Levi Johnston has announced that she?s supporting the couple with their selfish decision to get married and is not insisting on an abortion.

Joe Horn, that evil, evil man, would probably be happy to break bread with Levi Johnston.

Want to know more about that guy dating your teenage daughter before he knocks her up? People You?ll See In Hell recommends NetDetective, Intellius, US Search or Background Searcher. Online background checks can save your family, your life or your political career.



Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: Perknose

She either acted to conceal the pregnancy of her daugther from the monent she first knew about it or the Republican Party hierarchy taksed with vetting her are a bunch of eaily clowned dufi who somehow never vetted her immediate family~!!

I've seen some pictures of the acceptance ceremony that didn't make the media that day, only a fool would have looked at the daughter & not realized she was pregnant.

Everyone forgets McCain is famous for making these kind of picks, the dude really is a maverick.

You were claiming in other threads that it was "baby fat" and now only fool wouldnt recognize her pregnancy?


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: JD50
This is getting ridiculous.

I predicted it would happen. keep digging your grave, dems. now we're twice removed from palin herself. what's next? Palin's daughter's boyfriend's cousin's friend's father's myspace?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: JD50
This is getting ridiculous.

I predicted it would happen. keep digging your grave, dems. now we're twice removed from palin herself. what's next? Palin's daughter's boyfriend's cousin's friend's father's myspace?

Did you actually read it?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Well, Socrates predicted this stuff would happen, he said the younger generation was going to hell in a hand basket, and in all the intervening generation since, the Socrates record remains in tact.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: JD50
This is getting ridiculous.

I predicted it would happen. keep digging your grave, dems. now we're twice removed from palin herself. what's next? Palin's daughter's boyfriend's cousin's friend's father's myspace?

Keep dreaming Palin Defense Force. McSame made the most reckless and baffling choice for a VP in decades, and she's getting reamed by the press from all angles. The only ray of sunshine in your cloudy day are the GOP pundits and party members who are embarrassingly reciting from the same script as they're greeted with fresh lines of attack on everything ranging from Troopergate to the party's platform of abstinence-only education.

Ultimately, this Bristol pregnancy issue is just a side-show to keep the McCain media circus going until Troopergate sinks them both.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: cliftonite
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: Perknose

She either acted to conceal the pregnancy of her daugther from the monent she first knew about it or the Republican Party hierarchy taksed with vetting her are a bunch of eaily clowned dufi who somehow never vetted her immediate family~!!

I've seen some pictures of the acceptance ceremony that didn't make the media that day, only a fool would have looked at the daughter & not realized she was pregnant.

Everyone forgets McCain is famous for making these kind of picks, the dude really is a maverick.

You were claiming in other threads that it was "baby fat" and now only fool wouldnt recognize her pregnancy?

Oh, you mean that picture that was taken in 2006?


Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

At least most of them would.

in politics two wrongs make it right.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

And that would be pretty stupid and ignorant wouldn't it?


Feb 1, 2008
I'd wager the guy WILL NOT marry the girl, in the end.
But with Palin a NRA freak, shotgun wedding in the works? :thumbsup:

Really, the issue has never been a kid 17 being PG.
The issue that bites and keeps biting is how these
people claim to own the high road and moral ground.
Then shoving that down others throats BIG TIME.
That is, until THEIR 17 yrd old kid gets PG out of wedlock.

Again, the new republican party's logo should be photo ops and hypocrisy.