P4-1.6A is dying


Senior member
May 26, 2001
My P4 1.6Ghz northwood is dying. I have Winxp SP1.. suddenly i am experiencing a lot of application crashes and blue screens. I have the chip running at stock speed and if i up the voltage, it minimizes crashes but it still occurs. I have it running at 1.55v right now. What i would like to know is how do i take advantage of the 3 year intel warranty. What is the turn around time for the repair? thanks.


Senior member
Feb 6, 2002
Have you overclocked your CPU before?

I've heard ALOT (I mean ALOT) of people complaining how their 1.6A & 1.8A died after running overclocked @ 2.4GHz 24/7.

I think it's because of too voltages.


Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2002
maybe its just windows being stupid again

reformat/reinstall xp without the service pack and see if its any better

run prime95 torture test as well as memtest86


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
That is quite a jump to conclusion there!!! Slow down buddy...It is far more likely it is related toi memory failing...I am sure with any ocing of the fsb you oc'd the ram...Run memtest86 and see if that is the issue...

First off as someone who can talk about a dying northwood cause I had one I can tell you raising voltage should have had the opposite effect. I had to reduce vcore to get stability and it wasn't related to heat. I got application crashes and BSOD at startup of windows but never any in windows. BUt I can also say when I chipped my northbridge chipset on my 4g4a+ I had same symptoms as you and it wasn't the chip....

Conclusion do some more research before you wrongly identify the issue....If it did die then there is no RMA process as you killed it and therefore your fault and not INtels....


Senior member
May 26, 2001
You are talking to me like i'm a rookie or something. I build computers for a living. It is definitely cpu related. I have pc2700 memory running at 266mhz. I have run memtest86 and all is fine. The computer has been running great for months.. i've periodically format and install windows. I keep everything running at tip top shape. The cpu is dying therefore i will take advantage of the warranty.


Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2001
i also would not jump to the conclusion that its the cpu....i mean how long have you had it? couldn't have been for more than a year, and the cpu is dying? you should check your other parts, switch in parts and see whats the problem.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
If you oc'd it then you should not!!!

I am saying from my experience when the p4 dies it usually related to the vcore increases burning out the gates and thus becomes more sensitive to those higher vcore voltages....I had to drop mine .07v to gain stability where it ran fine until the day I replaced it on my own....

You are talking to me like i'm a rookie or something. I build computers for a living. It is definitely cpu related. I have pc2700 memory running at 266mhz. I have run memtest86 and all is fine. The computer has been running great for months.. i've periodically format and install windows. I keep everything running at tip top shape. The cpu is dying therefore i will take advantage of the warranty.

I am sorry if I assumed to much but I wouldn't have gotten any tips of your so called experience from the thread...

If all the thread was is to ask about rma policy and not to tech support it some more...I say you ran it out of spec which may have resulted in its premature death and therefore you should not RMA it....

What motherboard did you use with the chip??? Are you sure when you had 1.575v in the bios that was what was being delivered?? Asus mobos may overvolt .03-.08v even more if you use vcore boosters...

By the fact the chip was running 1.575v at 2ghz may be a sign this is an older 1.6a maybe with a pack date of late 2001 to early months of 2002...Am I right on this???


Golden Member
Oct 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Spydc
You are talking to me like i'm a rookie or something. I build computers for a living. It is definitely cpu related. I have pc2700 memory running at 266mhz. I have run memtest86 and all is fine. The computer has been running great for months.. i've periodically format and install windows. I keep everything running at tip top shape. The cpu is dying therefore i will take advantage of the warranty.

I think ppl are just trying to help you out here. No need to get offended. I think you answers can be found on intel.com.


Senior member
May 26, 2001
Thank u people for the replies. I am sorry and apologize to everyone for sounding upset. I believe it is the cpu after running a bunch of tests. Memtest86 reports no errors... and i have even tried setting the memory to the least aggressive timings. I have the Epox 4bda+2 motherboard. I've been running my chip on this system for almost a year with no real problems. I do occassional formats/reinstalls of XP to freshen things up. A few weeks ago, i was experiencing a lot of application crashes.. especially when launching Internet Explorer, Netscape, Media Player, SiSoft Sandra...etc. When i increased the vcore from 1.50 to 1.52v, it helped minimize crashes. I thought all was good.. Then they came back again. After running prime95 for a few hours, the computer blue screened. Then i upped the 1.55v and it helped some more.. but i still get occassional crashes which leads me to believe it is the cpu.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
Have you checked your PSU? Try testing it with a multimeter. If you have access to another mobo, try the processor in it. It could be that the EPoX is acting up.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
One sure way to tell. Do you have a friend, or know anyone with another P4 or even a Celeron 478 processor?
If so, swap it out for a test. Reset BIOS to defaults and make sure the voltage is set to spec of the CPU. (no overclocking).
If the system still crashes, there is something else wrong and not your CPU. OR. Try your CPU in another P4 MOBO.



Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2002
Originally posted by: Duvie
That is quite a jump to conclusion there!!! Slow down buddy...It is far more likely it is related toi memory failing...I am sure with any ocing of the fsb you oc'd the ram...Run memtest86 and see if that is the issue...

I have to agee.... And sometimes when you install "os" when overclocked, you can get major errors! Try to set all to default before you install a major software. Then overclock. Try it, I bet it will work for ya! I had this happen to me and I have had some friends tell me the same thing. We tested a few times and "yup" it does happen.