P3 700E not going as high with new ram?

Sparky Anderson

Senior member
Mar 1, 2000
I posted a bit about this earlier on the General forum but I'm hoping some of you guys can help me out a bit. I was running my 700E at 124 MHz for a speed of 868, I was using a 128 MB PC100 stick of ram.

So i figured, RAM IS CHEAP!!!, and bought a new stick of 256 MB PC133. Now th eproblem is that with both sticks in there I can not run at 124 MHz, i have to go down to 115. If i use just the PC100 stick I am fine, and if I use just the PC133 stick I am also fine. But if I use them both together I cannot reach the speed I am accustomed to. The ram is set to CAS 3 so that's not a problem.

Anyone got any ideas on what is causing this?


Elite Member | For Sale/Trade
Jul 4, 2000
Sometimes this happens... For some reason mixing ram does not work in some boards... Sometimes mixing better ram with cheap ram will help but not in all cases I would just run the 256meg stick and be happy...


Senior member
Oct 4, 2000
The problem is that you are trying to mix PC100 and PC133 memory. Ditch the PC100 and stick with the PC133. However, I don't see why you bought the RAM since your CPU is limited to 124. You should have stuck with the PC100, or added another stick of PC100.

Just my 2 cents :)

Sparky Anderson

Senior member
Mar 1, 2000
No. PC133 and PC100 will work together, just at the lower speed. Why would anyone buy PC100 when PC133 is about 3 or 4 dollars more at most stores and you can use it later if you upgrade to a 133 MHz system and 133 is also better for overclocking from 100 MHz. It seems that the two sticks I have just don't want to work together. My CPU is not limited to 124, the PC100 ram is limited to 124.



Junior Member
Dec 2, 2000
What mother bd. do you have...just upgraded BH6.1 from 128 to 256...errors..had to reduce sp. from 900 to 824...moved sticks around trying different slots...now in 1&2 running fine at 850...who knows...but try moveing ram to different slots, several others on this form have had good luck doing this..

Sparky Anderson

Senior member
Mar 1, 2000
I've got the BE6.

I hat teh PC100 in slot 1 and PC133 in slot 2 but couldnt boot into windows, I switched them and I get into windows easy but i get mad errors. I could try messing with the 3rd slot i suppose.

will give it a shot


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2000
Mixing them both could cause errors, probably due to generic design. Even if they worked, the PC133 stick would be downgraded to PC100. Another thing. dont get cas3 if you want to overclock. Cas2 is a must since pentium overclocking depends on frequency (speed of RAM) and not the multiplier.

Im also not sure about your motherboard, so i may be wrong. (whether it supports 133 bus.)


Senior member
Oct 4, 2000

Hapyy New Year! You're correct, but you made my point for me. If you're sure the PC100 memory is what is holding down your CPU from a higher overclock, then why would you insist on using it with a faster PC133. My point was just that, ditch the PC100, use the PC133 and see how high that CPU will go.