P&N Moderation


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
It seems some thread are being allowed to exist while others are not. It also seems that it always happens to be the same mod locking or deleting threads that slam Obama, but nothing happens to the thread that slam McCain. I'm not talking about threads about the issues, I'm talking about obvious flame thread.

Case in point :

The thread was locked

This thread has not been locked

PM Derek about it

Anandtech Senior Moderator
Red Dawn


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I somewhat agree. The thread that wasn't/hasn't been locked though does have some substance to it though. Not a hell of a lot, but a noticeable amount.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2003
the thread about mccain has been locked.

we'll continue to try and encourage real discussion of issues rather than personal attacks in the case of either candidate. some of us may read more threads on one candidate than another and so catch them more frequently in those cases. this does not mean we are being intentionally biased, and we do apologize for any appearance as such.

if any of you see a thread that needs to be locked, please PM the anandtech moderator account or post in here and we'll definitely look into it.

i appreciate you bringing this to our attention and i hope i have helped.