Overclocking software not working?


Senior member
Jan 5, 2001
I just bought the excellent Gainward cardexpert GTS2 PRO/400 and with it came a overclocking utility called Experttool.

Now, during installation (having installed NVIDIA's latest Detonator drivers first instead of the drivers on the CD) the program asks if I want Default or Enhanced settings, Default being 200/400 and enhanced 220/450. Naturally I opted for enhanced. When I restarted, Win98Se booted up, but as the settings kicked in, Screen and all went black. I had to enter FAILSAFE-mode and uninstall the program in order to restore peace.

I then tried with COOLBITS, the reg-hack and with that I could safely clock to 220/460 playing UT like a dream. Specks of white started to appear
at around 467 memory clock.

What is up with that? Is coolbit clocking it or what? Why the different result with Experttool?

Anyone with experience on the subject?