Overclocking slows my system down!!?? WTF?


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
I've been tweaking with my bios a bit and have been able to load Windows at 2.85GHZ. However, the 3dmark scores I get are lower than the 2.4GHZ ones. Anyone ever have a problem like this? I'm completely :confused:


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
maybe you are getting a lot of data corruption due to the high PCI clock

also 2 check the temps i dunno but as your temps get higher than your cpu might be throttling down to cool itself down
i'd say 60C under load is a good temp

option 3 increase the voltage some require a bump in the voltage to support high speeds 1.7V seems to be my sweet spot

what are the temp and voltage specs?


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
it runs 104 degrees Farenheit stock and up to 114 overclocked. The total system temp stays under 90 degrees Farenheit.

I hvae my PCI and AGP things set to "Auto"...

I usually run at the default 1.5 although a bump to 1.7 didn't do anything...I suppose I could tinker around a little higher or lower to see if that helps...By the way, should I bother adding voltage to the VDIMM or the AGP?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
it runs 104 degrees Farenheit stock and up to 114 overclocked. The total system temp stays under 90 degrees Farenheit.

I hvae my PCI and AGP things set to "Auto"...

I usually run at the default 1.5 although a bump to 1.7 didn't do anything...I suppose I could tinker around a little higher or lower to see if that helps...By the way, should I bother adding voltage to the VDIMM or the AGP?

i think there is an should be an option to "lock" otherwise try the lowest ratios possible like agp should be 1/2 or 1/3

and PC should be 1/4 or 1/5 or 1/6 (1/6th would prolly be the best if its even there but it should have at least 1/4)
BTW did does it give you a 4/5 mem ratio after you changed the jumper to 133 FSB?

and yes give VDIMM at least .2V - .3 V
a little more juice on the AGP should help also but i never had a mobo that supported V AGP

114 F is equ to 46C which is good if this is a load temp

try running prime95 for a while and see if it crashes out this is usually a sign of a heavily overclocked cpu and most will fail within a few hours

also running seti@home will probably bring your cpu to load in about 5 minutes so you should try that and check the temp also

cpuburn is also a good temp for checking load


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
I ran SETI@HOME on this and that works fine (doesn't crash the computer)...It just seems to me that the computer isn't benefiting at all from the fsb boost...Once I get home I'll try messing around with it a little and maybe I'll be able to figure something out...


Golden Member
Nov 10, 1999
Maybe your memory is running slower at 2.85 than it was at 2.4. I don't know what motherboard you are using, so I don't know how to tell you to check it.