Overclocking 9500Pro


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2003
I got a 9500 Pro and wanted to overclock.
My default clock was 275/270. Memory is 3.3 infineon ddr.
I did the bios flash and everything and clock it at 300/300.
I was playing a game and the game crashed which brought me back the windows.
I decided the clock at back to 275/270.
Now it says my videocard is a 9700 Series. No more 9700 and 9500 series.
Wut happened???
When i first clocked it at 300/300 i needed to reinstall the drivers, but when i clocked it back to 275/270 i didn't need to.
Why does it say i have a 9700 Series???
Why didn't i need to reinstall the drivers after i clocked it back???

Also how far were u guys able to overclock ur 9500 Pro with default heatsink/fan???


Senior member
Nov 8, 2002
It is possible that you flashed the wrong BIOS for your 9500 Pro. As there are different types of BIOS for different memory manufacturer and ratings. As far as I know the Infineons has a 3.3 and 3.0 rating. Flashing the wrong BIOS can cause this problem. Also the higher clocked 9500 Pro may caused your drivers to recognize your card as a 9700 instead of 9500 Pro. Try reflashing your BIOS to a matching version or just restore your old one. I doubt keeping the set-up you have now will harm anything.


Senior member
Nov 8, 2002
By the way as far as I know, the idea of 9500 --> 9700 Pro is in fact by overclocking to 9700 Pro speed which is a core clock of 325. So, a 9500 Pro should be overclocked to 325 no problem. However, a 3.3 rating as to a 3.0 rating infineon might affects its overclocking ability.

hominid skull

Senior member
Nov 13, 1999
I did the same thing, now device manager says i have a 9700 Pro installed.. Everything works fine for me. I can overclock to 385/310 before things get wierd, going to put some AS3 on the core just to make sure - I run it at 350/310 just to be sure without the AS3..

The difference between the 9500pro and the 9700(and pro) is that the 9500 has a 128 bit memory data bus and the 9700 has the 256 bit memory data bus.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Mine comes up as a radeon 9700 also.
I removed the GPU shim and bought an aftermarket heatsink/fan and used arctic silver2.
Darn GPU would get scorching hot when I OCed with the stock HSF. (thats an observation from touching the back of the card where the GPU is)

Since I removed the shim and put on a new hsf, its not NEAR as hot to the touch.

But memory still wont OC to the same speeds as my 9700 Pro.

Im doing 278/290, it does 280/300, but i kept things down a notch to be safe.
At 310 mem, i get artifacts.

(i edited the bios to those speeds so no more OCing utility)

Mine has the 3.3 Infineon ram also, it doesnt seem to do that well.
I thought about putting BGA ramsinks on the chips, but folks over at Rage3D say it wont help.

BTW: I agree that its the bios thats causing it to be detected as a 9700.

If ya didnt back up your old 9500 Pro bios, I believe i still have mine.

Mine is a "TRUE" ATI 9500 Pro built/made by ATI. (you get the idea ;) )

Just post or pm me if ya need/want the original 9500 Pro bios.


Senior member
Nov 8, 2002
Just wanna point out one thing with 3.0 and 2.85 RAM. While the 2.85 samsung is only on pros 3.0 is not bad either. The factory recommend clock for ram is extremely conservative and I would imagine overclocking it 20% won't be problem.


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2003
Hey dudes, I'm sure i used the right bios.
I used the file named 9500_33.bin which i believe is the infineon 3.3 ram.
I clocked mine back to 275/270 and it locks up in games which forces me to reboot still.
When i came back to windows it says it was a videocard problem.
So I'm not playing any games at the moment.

MTDEW I would appreciate it if u did give me to orignal bios.
I'm gonna try those and if i still have the problem then I'm gonna format and install windows again. btw would reformating and installing windows change anything.
I'm kinda a newb at this but when u flash the bios the information is in ur HD right??? So if the orignal BIOS don't work i could install windows again to put everything back to normal right??? correct me if I'm wrong.

If both of those solutions don't work I'm thinking about getting a Radeon 9700 (non-pro) from FIC
looks pretty crazy to me. I kinda like it.

Or I'll just get a powercolour some other brand.

BTW does any1 here that lives in Toronto Canada know where i can get the the FIC Radeon 9700 (non-pro) and for how much???
I haven't seen these around but looks pretty cool so i would like to get 1 for cheap.

Maybe I'll just bring my card back to the store and it doesn't work for some reason anymore and would like to exchange for a new 1. Been 2 months so I dunno if he would let me.

Anyways any suggestions???

Should install the orignal BIOS if MTDEW sends em to me,
Reinstall Windows,
Buy the FIC Radeon 9700 Pro: http://www.fic.com.tw/product/vga/1stgraphics.aspx?model_id=16